Can Environmental Factors Lead To Hair Loss

Ventha V
3 min readJun 7, 2018


Environmental factors can most certainly lead to hair loss. In fact a recent research conducted indicated that a stressful lifestyle along with elements the environment are the predominant hair loss causes. Most of the time, hair loss is attributed to the genetic sensitivity to DHT. There are also others such as stress, iron deficiency and imbalance in hormonal levels resulting in telogen effluvium (permanent hair loss). By the age of fifty, there is evident hair loss in most individuals. Ageing is also a major reason for hair loss but that does not mean that twenty-year-olds are immune.

There is no doubt that hair loss in both men and women is genetically inherited such as androgenetic alopecia. But there are also some environmental factors that either directly affect the hair or aggravate an existing hair thinning situation.

Environmental Factors Lead To Hair Loss


Who doesn’t like to hit the pool in the summer? People do not realise that the chlorine in the pools can actually damage the hair. It is important to protect your hair and scalp when you enter the pool. Chlorine is considered as one of the harshest oxidisers that can clog the hair follicle. Hair becomes straw-like when dry and gummy in the water.

UV Rays

While outdoor activities are highly recommended, over-exposure to the sun can lead to loss of moisture making hair frizzy.

Air pollution

Air is polluted with carcinogens and toxins that can interfere not just with the functioning of the nervous system but also the protein generation process of the hair. Those who are regular smokers will see ancillary hair loss due to the tobacco smoke.


Both psychological and physical trauma can lead to loss of hair.These incidents essentially cause a disruption in the hair cycle and many of them even lead to permanent hair loss.

Tinea capitis

Circular patches appear on the scalp due to this highly contagious fungal infection. This disease is usually contracted due to the usage of combs and other articles of an infected person.


Desert climates tend to be hot and hair loss in these places is rather common. It is not unusual for expatriates to see their hair falling if they are visiting the Middle East. Desalinated water isn’t good for the hair either. The salts present in the seawater have to be treated well before you use it. Most of the Middle Eastern countries still use desalinated water for domestic consumption. If you are visiting volcanic areas then you must brave the silica that is generally bound to calcium and magnesium deposits that are insoluble. The hair follicle tends to choke due to the presence of silica in the air making it detrimental for the hair.

Hair loss prevention

Naturally preventing hair loss with the help of organic serums such as REGROWZ can help with hair health. The serum was clinically tested before its release into the market.

