VNode Setup Guide

4 min readAug 26, 2018

This guide shows you how to setup a Ventual VNode on a Linux Ubuntu 16.04 VPS Server using Vultr as Host. Please follow these steps closely, if you need further assistance please join our community here!

What you need

I. Create VPS Server

1. Go to Vultr and create an account.

2. Click on the + to “Deploy New Server”.

3. Choose your “Server Location” (closest place to you minimizes Ping)

4. For “Server Type”, choose “Ubuntu 16.04”.

5. For “Server Size” a simple VPS is enough, choose between 5$ or 10$.

6. After you have selected your Server Size, click on “Deploy Now” to initiate the VPS installation.

7. Wait until the “Status” of your VPS says “Running”, then click on your Server to open the Server Details.

8. Open your SSH Client and connect from your Desktop to your VPS by using the credentials from your Server Details.

— — → picture ssh

9. After you have successfully connected to your VPS you can add these lines to your command line and press Enter:


chmod +x


10. Confirm this Question with Y(es)

11. Your VPS should now install all dependecies to run your VNode properly.

In the meantime you will configure your local VNTL Wallet, please go to Chapter II

NOTE: The steps below suppose that you have already downloaded your Ventual Wallet and have the necessary collateral to run a VNode. You can buy the collateral here.

II. Configure Wallet

1. Open the VNTL Wallet on your local machine and go to “File” > “Receiving addresses” and generate a new Wallet address for your VNode, labelling it “VN1".

2. Send the collateral needed for VNodes to the address that you just generated.

3. “Tools” > “Debug Console”. Enter “vnode genkey”.

4. Now you need the Transaction Output (TXout), to prove you own this transaction. In same “Debug Console” enter “vnode outputs”

5. Go to “Tools” -> “Open VNode Configuration File” and put in the following details:

MN Label |Enter a label for your VNode, e.g. “VN1”

VPS IP:Port| IP address of your VPS and port 7702 (from step I-7)

VNode genkey | Enter the VNode genkey (from step II-3)

VNode output| Output + Index of your VNode transaction (from step II-4)

6. You can close your wallet for now and go back to your VPS to finish the installation.

III. Connecting the VNTL Wallet and VNode

1. All dependencies are installed and you are asked to download the Ventual Daemon, confirm with YES

2. Once the daemon is running you are able to enter your vnode key

3. Your Ventual Server is now set and starting. Start your local Wallet and go to VNode Tab

4. Your VNode is now connected to your local wallet. Wait for 16 confirmations then go to “Tools” > “Debug Console” and enter:

vnode start-alias false “VN1”

5. Click on Update status and see if your VNode is “ENABLED

6. Congratulations you are now running a VNode!

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About Ventual

Ventual is a new innovative prediction market platform utilizing some of the most advanced features in blockchain technology.
Our platform is able to perform millions of operations simultaneously at a very low price with truly full-scale anonymity options, advanced smart contracts and Decentralized Applications. Ventual is the first ever multi-function prediction market platform to run on a decentralized network utilized by Ventuals very own VNodes.

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Ventual is a new innovative prediction market platform utilizing some of the most advanced features in blockchain technology.