BLOGMAS Day 3 — Things I wish I told myself when 2023 started

Things I wish I told myself when the year was starting but I can now save them for 2024

2 min readDec 3, 2023
  1. Recognize that not everything is within your control. There is only so much power you have over things — just be in charge of your next choices and decisions.
  2. Making mistakes won’t kill you. You will make more than you would like to and I guess that’s life.
  3. Maybe be okay with not being understood. First, it’s a pretty big ask of anyone. Second, the need to be understood will have you over-explaining or going out of your way and you shouldn’t. It’s not that serious in the end.
  4. Your big feelings and emotions are not wrong and don’t let anyone make you feel that way. You’re too sensitive, and emotional, you’re so dramatic.. too whatever.. too everything..until when?
  5. When in doubt seek clarity and especially for your peace of mind. A lot of people don’t believe in asking questions. For example, if someone suddenly goes silent on you, it looks ‘desperate’ to reach out to them and find out the reason or if everything is fine. I mean, shouldn’t you read the writing on the wall and get your answer? Sounds like an assumption to me.
  6. Don’t be a part of the people who are ruling you out. When it doesn’t make sense to everyone else when no one believes in you or your dream or your vision be the one person who does.
  7. Try to leave the house more. Outside is beautiful at times and it can do you so much good. If you want to push it, sometimes wake up early enough to catch a sunrise. Little things but oh they can be so precious.
  8. Still on little things. Some things aren’t that little. Trust me.
  9. Gratitude! Practicing gratitude will reconfigure your perspective on things. It will open your eyes to how much you already have. Make you realize that woe is not you.
  10. Contentment doesn’t mean that you cannot desire more or even greater. It simply is saying that this is sufficient for today. But tomorrow? There can be more and that will be sufficient then.




Probably not doing the same thing I was doing 6 months ago