Why School is the Biggest Challenge in Everyone’s Life

3 min readJun 8, 2019


Successful or not. You are you today because of the decision you made when you are in school.

People have different dreams, wants, needs, situation, and way of living. Others stay, others leave. But you have to respect their decision. The only thing matter is to reach the finish line. Oops, there is no finish line, as long as your alive continue growing or else you will be a “living dead.” The one that really matter is if you will become successful in the way that you chose or you will choose.

School is the challenge that everyone must overcome. There are two different ways to overcome school. Overcome it inside or outside.

Only few people can go outside.

You see school is just like a box. If you stay inside, you must be in the middle so the box is balance. You must stand out to become successful, everyone looks at you, and everyone wants your position. Be careful, because you might get push or pull so they can take your position, everyone is competitive. You can become successful and have security, so you are more promising and you will have a high chance if you will stay in the middle.Think, if you’re just in the corner, people won’t see you, and probably they will not know you.

There is nothing wrong about staying inside the box. It is what the 95% of people are doing. But if you want to get ahead of the 95% you must think outside the box.

If you don’t want to follow the crowd, you must think outside the box. At first, you will be alone, you will miss everything that happens inside. Everyone will think that you are not belong with them. And it’s true. Inside, they only see the small picture, but you see the bigger picture. Their thinking is limited to the box only, but you, you think bigger than everyone. But when you become successful everyone wants to be with you, look up at you, and even want you to take them out inside the box. They have a small world.

For me, I want to be out. Imagine there is a box and someone is controlling it outside. Just like the Earth and God is controlling everything. But that someone who controls the box is not God. God gives you blessings without an exchange because He loves you unconditionally. But the one who controls outside the box is just a human, he has his own needs, wants, and dreams. Yes, he will give but he also wants to receive. He will give you blessing but you need to give your time and work for him. I think when you stay inside, you’re still not yet in the reality, and remember that there is much responsibility when you choose to live in reality than stay inside and become an employee to have security.

You will decide what you want in life when you choose to stay inside or outside.

