Content Marketing Trends in 2018

Stephanie Venus Charlton
4 min readJan 4, 2018


3 Aha Moments to Improve Your Content Marketing in 2018

When you have been in any industry for awhile, it’s easy to feel a bit burnt out on the topic.

As the former head of editorial at CMI I’ve read thousands of articles, written hundreds of posts, and had countless conversations about content marketing. Still, I continue to have aha moments that impact how I approach content marketing.

This article is a potluck of my top lightbulb ideas in 2017 that I hope will help you evolve your content marketing programs in 2018. I’d also love to hear your favorite new ideas that will shape your plans in the coming year.


10 Experts Offer Advice for Boosting Your 2018 Content Marketing Strategy

Whether you’re starting out as a content marketer or have years of experience under your belt, each year brings new challenges. But each challenge also brings valuable insights. By the end of 2017, content marketers everywhere have learned key lessons that will guide their content strategies for 2018. To wrap up for this year and prepare for next year, we talked to 10 experts to share their insights and best practices for content marketing strategy with you.

1. Podcast is an important medium for content marketing strategy

“Much has been made of the podcasting trend in 2017, and listener stats are up across the board. According to this report, 50% of all homes in the U.S. are podcast fans, and 112 million people (40% of the U.S. population) have enjoyed a podcast (up from 36% last year). Sixty-seven million people listen to podcasts at least every month, and 42 million listen to podcasts weekly.


Three Top Tips to Boost Your Content Marketing in 2018

The year 2018 is viewed as a promising year for digital marketers and business owners. This is because the number of consumers that heavily rely on digital marketing in making their purchases and searching for services they need continues to increase. Given this fact, it is essential for you to boost your content marketing strategies and cope up with the changing environment that the updates such as those implemented by Google are causing. To do this, you need to conduct extensive research.


Content Marketing In 2018: Trends And Tools For Success

As technology and search engines change, so do the strategies marketers use to engage their customers online. If you aren’t staying on top of the newest trends in content marketing, your brand will be left behind, plain and simple.

But the average business owner or marketer can get overwhelmed trying to stay on top of all the newest, shiniest strategies. That is why I did the research for you, so you can quickly get up to date on the latest content marketing trends for 2018 and find out what tools you should be using to get the most for your efforts.

According to Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”


6 Tips for Driving Content Marketing Performance in 2018

At ThinkContent London, NewsCred CEO and Co-founder Shafqat Islam shared these remarks about the performance era of content marketing, and how marketers can set themselves up for success in 2018. The talk has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The performance era of content marketing is here. Marketers are under more pressure than ever to prove that content is driving business growth.

This was inevitable, as the industry has matured. The amount we spend on content increases each year. But while content production has reached an all-time high, we’re creating more than people can possibly digest.

Content creation shouldn’t be our focus. As content marketers, our goal should be to use content to achieve the key objectives that our C-suites want to see. What follows will help you get there in 2018.


5 Ways to Get Your 2018 Content Marketing Off to a Good Start

The new year is here and it’s only right that you get your 2018 content marketing off to a great start!

However, this might be easier said than done, as content marketing is evolving to include many elements traditionally associated with digital marketing.

How you use content marketing is likely to change in the coming year, but if you prepare now you might still be able to succeed in your 2018 content marketing efforts.

That’s where we can help. Follow this best practice guide, and we think you’ll have a simply smashing year!


