Expand Your Files With Its File Types to Keep The Document Safe

Aman Jain
2 min readMar 6, 2020


The loads of documents and data records with the uncounted amounts need to be maintained in any organization sector. Though with the bliss of technology, there are numerous electronic devices like computer, mobile phone, pen drive, etc. used to storing the data in safety. Every organization whether a small or a big keeps their paper documents in the file besides the above-mentioned device. Talking about these office files have some features to keep the data intact for a longer time. These data files are made up of distinct quality of plastic or rubber material so that it does not depraved with the passing time. We, being one of the renowned manufacturers in manufacturing the quality data files in this sector. Any kind of files including expanding files we offer to our clients with the assurance of a long period of time.

Expanding Folder | Expanding File

Data files usually used in the organization in maintaining the paper documents that needed in any organization to keep the data record in a systematic manner. Because of keeping the documents in the files, the documents even from a decade before can be recovered in the same way as it was kept. Also, expanding files types of files are there that people can use if they want to follow the continuity of the same file in keeping the documents by expanding it. The quality of different files types that we use to manufacture are much in quality that it will not get depraved with the time.

Meanwhile, we offer several other files types to choose according to their preferences. We not only manufacture the quality files with distinct design but we also give luring design to the files so that it does not give a boring look. We provide our services in supplying the files includes expanding files to the clients even at the huge quantity. Eventually, the charges we rake for manufacturing is pocket-friendly in its price. So, collaborating with us will not cost you that much and for more details, you can visit us and have a discussion our our superior.



Aman Jain

Established in 1980 at New Delhi, we, Venus File Products, are a highly acclaimed Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, Trader and Wholesaler of premium quality.