Knowing Yourself - An important element of change.

Verde Curated Lifestyle
7 min readSep 6, 2023
photo courtesy: Pinterest

Change is here and it is here to stay whether we like it or not. Although sometimes change can feel daunting, overwhelming, and even unwelcome at certain times, why not consciously make it a part of our lives, and learn to develop a taste for the perks that it always brings along? In previous blogs, we’ve been discussing change for a while now. From talking about learning to embrace it, understanding our initial reactions, to learning to lean into it, we’ve come a long way. It boils down to our perspective. Today, let’s talk about another element of change that plays a crucial role: knowing yourself.

Before we do that, I’d like to share my journey towards embracing change and why “knowing yourself” is so important. I’ll begin by (re)introducing myself. Hi, I’m Khushboo. I’m an entrepreneur in my late twenties who enjoys drinking copious amounts of black coffee with a side of fries and a good book/conversation. I began writing back in 2012, but those were a whole lot of journal entries mostly filled with my emotional rants. I’ve always loved writing to express myself and found a way to share my experiences with the world via these blogs.

Speaking of one of my encounters with change happened when I quit my job back in 2016 and moved to a different city to further polish my skills. Back then, I thought that I was making the best…



Verde Curated Lifestyle

Hi! I'm Khushboo. I'm on a journey to curate my life in a way that is intentional & mindful and I write blogs about the same! Curious? Join me on the ride!