Weekly Update: 26th Jan 2018

1 min readJan 26, 2018


Hello everyone,

As customer development continues, we’re getting closer to an alpha release of the Verify payments platform. We’ll be sharing details in the lead up to this early released — and we’ve kicked things off with the Verify Master Plan post linked below.

We put on quite a show on the KuCoin community vote this past week, raking in 5,270 votes. Unfortunately, we ended in 4th place (so no automatic listing). We’ve yet to hear back from KuCoin on next steps — and are open to a paid listing. We’ll update the community exchange post as updates come in.

We’re still interviewing for the two technical roles we announced: a front-end developer role (details here) and a CTO. If you’re interested in applying, please reach out.

Also, this will be the last regular weekly update. We’ll start sending ad-hoc updates from now on (through our primary channels on our community page, Reddit and Medium).

The Verify Master Plan, Part 1

In keeping with our core value of transparency, we’re diving into the strategy we’ve laid out for Verify Payments. Check it out on Medium.

Reddit AMA: Mon, Jan 29

We’re running a live AMA on Reddit with Yazin Alirhayim, CEO @ Verify. Get your questions ready and post them here — I’ll be answering them live this Monday, 12pm UTC.

~~ Featured post of the week ~~

  • Crypto2Lambo’s write up on Verify here [French]

