Make profit in Crypto Trading as a newbie. Dream or reality ?

4 min readMay 15, 2023


I had a dream!

Since I learned about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, albeit a bit late in 2021, I envisioned investing and trading digital assets to make some profits. Excitedly, I selected a few projects with promising potential and acquired their tokens, hoping for their values to skyrocket.

Little did I know that fate had a wicked sense of humor, and we entered a crypto winter that seemed to last longer than a game of Monopoly with your in-laws. Needless to say, my invested pennies caught a cold, and their values plummeted. It was as if the market was playing a practical joke on my ambitions, leaving me questioning my timing skills.

But hey, I didn’t let that dampen my spirits! I believed in the crypto space’s long-term potential, even if it seemed to be on an extended winter break. So, I decided to put on my snow boots and wait for the next bull run while pondering my next move — perhaps copy trading?

Copy trading: Beware of who you are following. Seriously, beware.

Undeterred by my initial losses, I thought I had cracked the code by engaging in copy trading. It seemed like a brilliant plan — I could simply follow the trades of successful traders and hope for some of their Midas touch to rub off on me. Little did I know that their Midas touch was more like a “Midas glitch.”

I clicked the “copy” button with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store, not fully realizing the importance of checking the credentials of these trading superheroes. Turns out, my copycat adventure turned into a comedy of errors.

The traders I trusted with my hard-earned funds suffered their own misfortunes. Their accounts were liquidated faster than ice cream melts on a hot summer day, and the punchline was me losing my entire investment.. Cue the dramatic music and the sound of my hope crashing to the ground.

A Glimpse of Hope with Tycoon Signals — Illuminating the Dark Tunnel

Now, I know what you’re thinking — after all these misadventures, is there any hope left for a newbie like me? Well, fear not, my fellow crypto enthusiasts, because there is a light at the end of this seemingly endless tunnel!

Introducing Tycoon Signals, the beacon of hope that is soon to launch. With Tycoon Signals, you can expect maximum returns with minimum effort. How? By bringing together the most profitable traders in one beginner-friendly leaderboard. It’s like having a cheat sheet to make profits like the pro traders without actually being one.

“The best traders in the world can’t be wrong,” they say, and Tycoon Signals is here to tap into their expertise and provide you with excellent trading data. You can rely on Tycoon Signals as a trusted data source to make informed decisions and minimize risks. As Warren Buffet once wisely said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” With Tycoon Signals, you can mitigate that risk by having access to accurate and reliable trading information.

So, if you’re tired of the rollercoaster ride of trial and error, Tycoon Signals is your ticket to a smoother and more profitable crypto trading journey. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to level up your trading game and seize the potential that the crypto market has to offer.

Remember, with Tycoon Signals, you can finally make profits like the pros, even if you’re just starting out. It’s time to step out of the dark tunnel and into the world of smart and informed trading. Stay tuned for the launch of Tycoon Signals, and get ready to turn your crypto dreams into a reality.

Making profit in crypto trading as a newbie may have seemed like a rollercoaster ride with more twists and turns than a Hollywood plot. We laughed, we cried, and we lost a few bucks along the way. But fear not, for there is hope in the form of Tycoon Signals, looming on the horizon.

So, my fellow dreamers, let’s stay strong, learn from our mishaps, and keep an eye out for the launch of Tycoon Signals.

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* By clicking on my referral link you will allow me to go up in the waiting list and maybe get a free membership.

