Why I Sleep on the Floor

5 min readMar 14, 2017


Let go of unnecessary thoughts and material possessions.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. — Buddha

We live in a society that does everything it can to provide pleasure and comfort to its citizens. Companies are constantly coming up with ways to make your life easier and keep you addicted to your animal pleasures.

On the surface there is nothing wrong about what these companies are doing. The market is dominated by the animal needs of the people and the company is simply providing what the animal wants.

The disconnect is that the animal inside of us doesn’t usually know what it wants. We live our lives trying to find meaning and purpose while being bombarded with advertising and societal programming that makes us even more confused.

Pleasure and comfort is our natural tendency and advertising makes this lure irresistible. This combination is lethal when it comes to the wellbeing and development of human beings.

Prevalence of obesity continues to increase. What is the cause?

Obesity rates continue to increase, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for almost 1 in every 4 deaths, and the list continues.

Humans are living longer, but they are getting sick at higher rates. Many people are forced to take medicines for the rest of their lives to keep them alive, but the issue is never solved. Medicine only puts a temporary bandaid on an ever growing problem.

The problems are obvious. We are dying from excess pleasure and comfort, we are being medicated to live longer while slowly destroying our health continuing to have bad diet, no exercise, and a pleasure filled lifestyle.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. — Mark Twain

Separating your animal needs and your own needs is difficult. Our inner animal shouts at us and makes us want to eat all the sugar we can find. It makes us want to spend our days playing video games. It makes us want to seek all the comfort in the world. Discipline and hard work is difficult and bashed. We want the easy way and do everything we can to get it.

The easy way is not the answer. Temporary pleasure does not bring lasting satisfaction. The easy way is not the answer.

One day I read a couple of benefits of sleeping on the floor and decided to get rid of everything. Disassembled my bed.

Immediately I felt a sudden relief and comfort. Useless baggage had been removed. I no longer would need a bed to sleep.

The first couple of days were uncomfortable. I was sore and felt aches throughout my body, but I knew that it was my body getting used to sleeping on a hard surface. As the days passed the soreness left and I slept like a baby on the floor.

It was easy. Too easy..

Does a lion need a bed to sleep? Why do you?

Reasons why I sleep on the floor.

There are many physical benefits to sleeping on the floor. Your body is grounded, spine is aligned, posture improves, and your body isn’t sinking in a foamy mattress that messes up your back.

You can find these physical benefits all over YouTube and Google. Anybody that understands the body will tell you that sleeping on the floor is far better than sleeping on a mattress.

More than 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain in their lifetime.

80% of Americans!! And yet no one questions whether mattresses play a role in this and if sleeping on them everyday for 8 hours can be the culprit. (Mattresses are the reason for widespread back problems)

The physical benefits are the reason why I started sleeping on the floor, but the most important reason is the mental benefits that come from months of sleeping on the floor.

I have only been sleeping on the floor for 8 months, but I see the psychological benefits that have come from this habit.

Sleeping on the floor daily brings immense confidence, uniqueness, and appreciation.

Confidence because I am following my vision and beliefs. I have the confidence to continue to live with discipline and work towards my goals and visions of life. Sleeping on the floor is a confidence boost and daily reminder of what I am capable of doing.

Uniqueness of being in a tiny minority of people that sleep on the floor. I have yet to meet people that sleep on the floor. Everybody has these massive beds that take up 50% of the room. I am part of the 0.001%

Appreciation for being given the life I live. I can have a great day or a horrible day, but I will always know that the floor with be waiting for me. I can be on top of the world and still sleep on the floor. This grounded feeling (literally and figuratively) brings beautiful peace.

Everyone is sleeping on their Queen or King sized bed, I am sleeping on the floor. This distinction is a huge psychological boost that is highly underrated and never spoken about.

To become the 1% you have to have crazy habits that put you at the 0.001% of the population. The more you have these habits the better your quality of thoughts and lifestyle. You don’t do what the rest of the people do. You do things differently because the results are profound.

You move against a life of pleasure and comfort. You move towards a life of discipline and freedom.

Do you want to radically change your life for the better today? Get rid of your bed and start sleeping on the floor.

You will thank me in a few months.

P.S. The worst thing that can happen is that you don’t enjoy it and go back to sleeping like the rest of the 99.9%.

