GSoC Journey Part 1

Srijan Verma
3 min readJul 4, 2019


For GSoC 2019, my proposal got accepted at a bioinformatics organization called Ensembl (Genes, Genomes and Variation).
Below is a blog about how it all began and my journey so far.

Why Ensembl

Ensembl aims to provide a centralized resource for geneticists, molecular biologists and other researchers studying the genomes of our own species and other vertebrates and model organisms.

I had previously done a couple of projects in machine learning- which weren’t related to the particular discipline I was studying- Bachelor’s in Pharmacy. Working at Ensembl would have meant that- I would combine my love for machine learning, and the core subjects that I was actively studying at my college. I knew that if I could find an intersection in these two fields, not only would it reduce my competition pool, but I would also be able to use my knowledge in both the fields to the best of my abilities.

Also, I had previously known about Ensembl’s projects in bioinformatics- which I found to be very interesting.

My experience so far with Ensembl

My experience so far with Ensembl has been really amazing.

My mentor, Daniel Zerbino- is very approachable and helps me with coding as well as biology part of the project.

The weekly video sessions with him (which usually happen every Thursday)- are the ones that I look forward to the most. These are the sessions where he patiently takes all my queries, and answers them with clarity. There have also been teaching sessions, apart from discussions! These one-one experiences with my mentor have been one of the best learning experiences of my GSoC journey. At Ensembl, I get to learn a lot everyday- which truly makes the journey a lot more fun.

Favourite part of participating in GSoC

The learning and discussion sessions with my mentor are my most favorite part of participating in GSoC- apart from solving small problems everyday using code. Reading research papers and learning more about my project everyday helps me in developing an in-depth knowledge of the subject- which in turn equips me with the tools to solve the problem at hand in a more efficient manner.

Also, solving small problems everyday feeds my curiosity- which not only instills a bigger sense of purpose, but also acts as a feedback mechanism and keeps me motivated. I really like this process of passionately involving myself with these little learning processes- which will ultimately lead to a greater outcome.

The most challenging part of participating in GSoC

The coding aspect of my project sometimes gets challenging, but usually I’m able to find a workaround with the problem- after spending enough time with it. Apart from this, higher level biology concepts also get challenging sometimes, but the sessions with my mentor always clear all my doubts.

What keeps me motivated everyday

There is something new to learn everyday- which is the best motivation that anyone can find if they’re curious enough. The kind of problem statement that one solves - determines the quality of skill-sets which will be picked up.

Also, I truly feel one with the cause that Ensembl is working for. At the end of all these small problems that I solve everyday- I know the bigger cause/purpose that we’re working for.

My GSoC journey so far has been a super exciting one, and I’m really looking forward to the rest of it!



Srijan Verma

Open Source Developer | Self-taught Drummer | Fitness and Basketball Lover