coding background

Sunaina Verma
7 min readMar 2, 2022


CODING: Computer code is very important. Almost every electronic device you use relies on code. The way things work can seem quite confusing, but when you break it down it’s actually simple.

People who make code are called programmers, coders, or developers. They all work with computers to create websites, apps, and even games! Today you’ll learn what code it, what it’s for, and how to start learning code yourself. Computers have their own language called Machine Code which tells them what to do. As you can see, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to humans!

Each number or letter is telling the computer to change something in its memory. This could be a number or word, or a little part of a picture or video. By themselves, computers don’t know how to do anything. It is the job of the programmer to give them instructions.

It’s possible to learn Machine Code, but it would take a long time! Luckily there is an easier way to communicate with computers.

Coding is the process of using a programming language to get a computer to behave how you want it to. In Python, every line of code tells the computer to do something, and a document full of lines of code is called a script.

Each script is designed to carry out a job. This job might be to take an image and change its size. It might play a certain sound or piece of music. When you click “like” on someone’s post on social media, a script is what makes it happen.

BACKGROUND: Historians recognize Ada Lovelace as the first computer programmer. Ada, born in 1815, studied mathematics, which at the time was highly unusual for a woman. After meeting Charles Babbage, the inventor of the Analytical Engine, Ada was entranced. In 1843, she published an article about the machine, translated from French, adding in her own extensive notes, which came to be recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine.

Lovelace’s contribution to coding was just the beginning. In 1923, German military combined coding and electricity, communicating via secret coded messages on the Enigma machine. Alan Turing famously cracked the code, reportedly helping end the war two years earlier than predicted. Turing later took the concept and evolved it, creating a more flexible machine in 1936. Unlike its predecessors, Turing’s computer could complete more than one task, due to its ability to read multiple instructions in binary code.

The drawback to Turing’s design was the fact that it read instructions via long tapes of paper, which proved impractical. In 1948, researchers at Manchester University came up with a solution — the ability to store memory via electricity. Their computer was programmed via binary code, held 128 bytes of memory, and was large enough to fill an entire room.

The late 1950s saw the invention of coding languages that are still in use today — specifically, FORTRAN, LISP and COBOL. Technology swiftly unfolded throughout the 60s, with the notion of computer gaming being born, the mouse being invented, and ARPANET, the predecessor to the internet, being created. The 1970s brought further development: the high-level programming language PASCAL was forged; interestingly, it is still used by skype today. Most employers seek programmers with an educational background in computer science, information technology or a related field. While you can learn to code on your own, formal training increases your chances of landing a high-paying job.

BENEFITS OF CODING: Here we’ll break down 8 non-coding professions that benefit from a coding background.

Product/Project Manager

Knowing how to code can help you better communicate with engineering and design teams. You understand technology limitations and lingo, so you can more accurately estimate timelines and explain goals. You can become a manager in this field.


One of other benefit for Those in the marketing field are constantly engaging with engineers to do things like change images or copy on websites, set up discounts, etc. Much like with management positions, you’ll have an easier time as a marketer communicating with engineers and designers to discuss your needs, and understand feature and time constraints.

Data analyst

With a coding background, you’ll have practiced a large amount of math and problem solving skills. Data analysis is just that: analyzing numbers in order to solve problems! To be comfortable number crunching and drawing conclusions is paramount in this field.


Those in the marketing field are constantly engaging with engineers to do things like change images or copy on websites, set up discounts, etc. Much like with management positions, you’ll have an easier time as a marketer communicating with engineers and designers to discuss your needs, and understand feature and time constraints.


If you have a coding background then you can choose as a designer as a profession, Whether you’re a graphic designer laying out a website, or a product designer planning the functions of a physical thing, you’re using digital tools to do so.

And number of profession you can adopt if you have coding background.

Level: It’s that you sometimes rock too hard, right? Innocent bystanders could get hurt.

But I think this is a different and more serious class of question, one that deserves real consideration. Not for the interviewer’s benefit, but for your own benefit.

Famous Programmer

This is also a good place to be, but not unless you also have a day job.

You’re famous in programming circles. But being famous doesn’t necessarily mean you can turn a profit and support yourself. Famous is good, but successful is better. You probably work for a large, well known technology company, an influential small company, or you’re a part of a modest startup team. Either way, other programmers have heard of you, and you’re having a positive impact on the field.

Amateur Programmer

An amateur programmer loves to code, and it shows: they might be a promising student or intern, or perhaps they’re contributing to open source projects, or building interesting “just for fun” applications or websites in their spare time. Their code and ideas show promise and enthusiasm.

Being an amateur is a good thing; from this level one can rapidly rise to become a working programmer.

Successful Programmer

Programmers who are both well known and have created entire businesses — perhaps even whole industries — around their code. These programmers have given themselves the real freedom zero: the freedom to decide for themselves what they want to work on. And to share that freedom with their fellow programmers.

This is the level to which most programmers should aspire. Getting to this level often depends more on business skills than programming.

In the modern world, programming has become much more significantly important than ever before. Most of the programming aspirants want to develop their coding skills and effectively improve on their basics of programming.

Due to the increasing demand, there are a lot of profitable organizations, companies, and courses that offer you in-depth guides and content on programming in any specific language of your choice, most beginners would prefer learning with free websites and courses to enhance their skills. The preferred method for learning coding or a new programming language is with free content on the internet. It will help you weigh in on your options and your interests. So, without further ado, let us dive into the best free websites to learn to program.

  • HackerRank.
  • freeCodeCamp.
  • GeeksforGeeks.
  • Codecademy.
  • Codementor.
  • HackerEarth.
  • W3Schools.
  • codekaroyaaro

These all are the best websites where you can learn coding and programming language. In every industry, there are at least a handful of experts considered authorities on the subject. Most have a blog or website, making them the premier trusted resources industry-wide. You’ll usually find a community where all professionals turn to when they need to converse with like-minded professionals.

The same holds true in the world of development. Developers are such a quirky bunch that no ordinary website will do. We’ve put together this collection of the best developer websites for the latest tech news, networking, project discussion, and troubleshooting. Sites are for beginners to master programming. The list also includes a few fun sites to visit when you need a break from your latest development project.

A programming language is a tool that allows us to manipulate data stored in files and to manipulate data held in RAM in unlimited ways. Even with a basic knowledge of programming, we can perform a huge variety of data processing tasks.

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codekaroyaaro is one of the best where you learn the background of coding and learn programming language.

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