8 Reasons to Contribute to the Vernam Project

Vernam Official
5 min readApr 4, 2018


Vernam’s Private PreSale has started, and it’s time to jump on the InsurTech train leaving the station. See why you should back this game-changing Token Sale.

The insurance world hasn’t seen any big changes in a while. It’s become stale and stagnant. With technological innovation taking the world by storm, though, insurance can’t hide forever. And Vernam is making sure insurance doesn’t lag behind, but rather jumps ahead of the curve.

Our goal is to revolutionize insurance by providing a decentralized blockchain-based insurance marketplace. When end-clients and insurers can meet in a transparent, secure, and efficient platform, the world will finally unlock the true potential of blockchain for insurance and we’ll all reap the benefits.

Vernam’s coin is already in PreSale, and you shouldn’t miss out on backing this InsurTech startup! Here’s why.

1. Vernam will transform insurance into a transparent, efficient, and accessible playing field.

With so many ICOs on the market, you have to pick and choose which ones to back carefully. And the most important question to ask is this: Does this ICO provide real, lasting value?

There’s no question about it — Vernam definitely does. Insurers agree that insurance is facing huge changes — there’s a real mismatch between how the insurance industry operates and the amazing potential offered by new technological capabilities. But while many InsurTechs are focusing on expanding the insurance value chain, Vernam is here to disrupt it entirely.

And this kind of big-picture thinking is what’s badly needed.

Insurance is plagued by a few main issues, and Vernam solves all of these: slow processes involving too many intermediaries, lack of freedom of choice because of barriers to transparent product information, painstaking personal information verification, high costs due to the general inefficiency built into the system.

By leveraging blockchain, the insuring process will see huge benefits in terms of time & effort involvement. Private data will be secure and more quickly available, which will not only speed up insurance purchases, but also claims and payout.

And more than that, when insurers have access to verified, detailed, and personalized data, they’ll be able to offer more relevant and tailored products for their clients. It’s a win-win for both insurers and regular people who need insurance.

2. You’ll save big on commission fees — because there aren’t any.

Intermediaries like brokers and agents typically take big commissions — up to 30% — on every policy they sell. With Vernam, we take these intermediaries out of the equation completely and that cost goes down to 0%. It’s that simple.

3. Participants in the marketplace receive a bonus with every policy purchase.

Every policy purchased will include a bonus of up to 30% of your policy premium distributed in VRN.

Where does this come from and why? See point 2 above. We’d like to reward the end-clients instead of agents and brokers, and incentivize everyone to jump bravely into the future of insurance.

Beyond financial rewards, as a purchaser of insurance you’ll also gain another important thing — agency. We connect end-customers directly with insurers, meaning that if you’re looking to buy insurance, you’ll have unprecedented access to review and choose the best policy for your needs.

4. The VRN token has a built-in value appreciation mechanism.

All insurance transactions on the Vernam platform operate with VRN tokens. To make this happen, the Vernam team will be buying VRN tokens from the market.

And by buying tokens from the participating exchanges in order to reward clients, we will create a constant demand for the VRN token.

5. Vernam will launch an innovative crypto insurance product, Crypto Safe (CS), thus providing a future-thinking alternative to traditional insurance.

While disrupting the structure of insurance is no small feat, at Vernam, we’re thinking big and not stopping there. We’ll partner with insurance providers across national borders to provide our own unique crypto insurance product, with our goal being to up the game even more.

What’s new with Crypto Safe?

  • End-to-end digital process — fast & automated
  • Smart contract — guaranteed correctness towards the client
  • Transparent premiums and coverage policy
  • When no damage is claimed, the CS smart contract will return a defined percentage of the premium to the client in VRN tokens

Not only is Crypto Safe offering a smoother, faster, more transparent experience for the end-clients, it’s also incentivizing prevention of accidents & claims.

6. The Vernam Project is led by a talented team dedicated to making this vision a reality.

Our team of over 20 experts is headed by a trifecta of talented co-founders including:

Roman Angelov is our CEO and Co-Founder.

CEO of DIMIROMA GROUP, a leading Bulgarian consulting, IT, and digitization company. Awarded Digital News Innovation (DNI) funding by Google.

Ivan Georgiev is our COO and Co-Founder.

Member of the board of directors of one of the biggest holdings in Bulgaria. Founder and manager of a successful mobile app development company.

Dimitar Mitrev is our CBDO and Co-Founder.

PhD Student. Dipl. Eng. Experienced in creating and managing different B2B IT projects. CEO of DEAFOR. Member of the Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies (BAIT).

7. Right now is the best time to buy VRN tokens.The price is set to go up from here on out.

We’re rewarding early contributors with huge discounts, so the earlier you contribute to Vernam, the better your future ROI. So why wait?

8. Special PreSale Offer — 1 ETH will get you 10,000 VRN tokens, or the equivalent of $600.

During our PreSale, you’ll get 10,000 VRN tokens for 1 ETH. We’re effectively valuing 1 ETH at $600 instead of the real market value of $390, which means you get a huge discount! You can thank us later when you see your VRNs’ price growing high in the sky.

Are you ready to join the insurance revolution? We’d love your support and can’t wait to welcome you to the team.

Team Vernam

To find out more about the Vernam Project, download our whitepaper or visit ourwebsite. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.



Vernam Official

This is the official Medium Blog of Vernam: A new generation of insurance process on the blockchain.