The Vernon Dentist Providing Excellent Teeth Replacements with Dental Implants

3 min readMar 26, 2021
dental implant

Tooth loss is a common problem with people worldwide. Many people seek missing teeth replacement options to hide gaps they display in their mouths. The South Vernon area residents have an excellent remedy available to replace missing teeth using dental implants provided by the Vernon dentist. Dentist Vernon BC also offers dental implants in the Middleton Mountain area, helping people to restore lost teeth comfortably with natural-looking and feeling artificial teeth.

People without adequate knowledge about dental implants will express delight when told the dental implant procedure provides many benefits helping their oral and overall health besides closing gaps in their smile to allow them to lead regular lives.

Over the last few years, most people with missing teeth have chosen dental implants who prepare themselves to undergo the surgical procedure for implant insertion into their jawbone. The inserted titanium implant acts as an artificial tooth root integrating with the jawbone during the healing process. After healing has been completed, a customized crown sits over the dental implant to eventually function as an artificial tooth.

People with missing teeth can search for a dentist near me, providing them dental implants as suitable replacements for lost teeth. Implant placements have acquired a reputation of being excellent teeth replacement solutions over other options like dentures and dental bridges. It is why dentist V1T 5J4 routinely recommends them to patients as the optimal method to replace missing teeth.

Why have dental implants acquired the number one position as the leading solution for replacing missing teeth? Among the other options currently available dental implants are the only solution needing insertion into the jawbone to replicate the tooth roots people lose with missing teeth. Dentures sit on the gums, and dental bridges seek support from the neighboring teeth when placed in the mouth. People with dentures often seek relief from an emergency dentist near me whenever they confront dental prosthetics problems. Dental bridges also cause tooth decay and gum disease problems because cleaning underneath the artificial tooth is challenging.

Fortunately, dental implants are standalone applications that don’t rely on the neighboring teeth for support. The artificial crown over the dental implant is made from porcelain which is decay resistant and appears similar to the patient’s adjacent teeth. Dental implants restore the abilities people lost with their natural teeth. Eating and speaking become easy for people, and smiling no longer remains a challenge because artificial crowns act as substitutes for natural teeth.

The most significant advantage of dental implants is their lifespan. With proper dental hygiene, people can have them for a lifetime without ever needing adjustments or repairs from emergency dentists in their locality. People must ensure they don’t attract periodontal disease in their mouths to weaken their jawbone. Periodontal disease from improper oral hygiene practices leads to the condition of peri-implantitis causing loss of the dental implant and requiring people to undergo the intensive procedure all over again.

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