Creative Nonfiction

The Difference Between A Porcupine And A Hedgehog (Story #41 in my💯Story Challenge)

Or: The Difference Between Fiction and Nonfiction

Steve Vernon
5 min readDec 2, 2022


A photo of a porcupine walking straight towards the camera.
Photo by Derek Otway on Unsplash

Okay, so right off the bat I had to find a photo of a porcupine for this story, and it would amaze you to find out how many times the search mechanism on Unsplash showed me photos of hedgehogs.

A photo of a hedgehog, holding hands with it’s owner.
Photo by Siem van Woerkom on Unsplash

You see, that’s a hedgehog.

I know. I’ve owned a hedgehog. He was a cranky old fart that we called Mr. Smithers. You had to wear big thick leather gloves to handle him because Mr. Smithers liked to bite.

Now, I can see how you’d easily confuse that critter with a porcupine, maybe even a baby porcupine — but they are not related. Not one bit. Actually, the closest relation to a hedgehog is a shrew or a mole.

A porcupine, on the other hand, is a rodent.

And he can be a bit of a prick.

Just try leaving your hatchet or axe out overnight while you’re camping. A porcupine will gnaw big chunks out of the axe handle. They like the taste of the salt from your sweat.



Steve Vernon

Writer of horror, humor. Retiree. Keeper of black cats, drinker of black coffee, and determinedly trying to lose some weight!