What Being Married To A Pilot Is Like

Deconstructing a pilot’s brain

Veronica Llorca-Smith
3 min readDec 23, 2022


Picture of a pilot inside the cockpit
Photo Credit: Kristopher Allison — Unpslash

One of my passions is travelling: I have visited over 40 countries and the money I didn’t spend on renovating my kitchen was dedicated to visiting the Great Wall, the Iguaçu falls, the temples in Myanmar and snorkeling in Micronesia.

It was serendipity that I married a pilot and I even get occasional upgrades to business class — I sometimes get stuck on the ground too, but let’s focus on the glamorous side!

Have you ever wondered what it is to be married to the invisible voice who announces on the speaker: “Ladies and Gentleman, this is your captain speaking”? Let me break it down for you after 10 years of daily observation and first-hand experience…

First, pilots are gifted with a troubleshooting brain: for them, the world is divided into 2 blocks: problems and solutions and so is their mind, wired with pure logic. Conversations tend to be succinct and precise because they work in scenarios mode: plan A, plan B and plan C. While I am still talking about plan A and the clothes I should pack, the pilot has already reviewed every possible scenario with its different outcomes. Their brain is wired into yes and no while I see fifty shades of maybe in between.

