5 Main Types of Irrigation Systems for Agricultural Production

Veronica Spencer
3 min readJun 7, 2023


In places with inadequate or variable rainfall, irrigation is especially important for guaranteeing sustained agricultural output. Different irrigation systems have been created due to technological advancements to deliver water to crops effectively, fostering maximum development and optimizing harvests. This post will examine the most common types of irrigation systems for agriculture.

5 Types of Irrigation Systems for Agriculture Needs

Let’s discuss the five most common types of irrigation systems for agriculture.

1. Surface Irrigation

One of the earliest and most popular types of irrigation is surface irrigation. It entails applying water to the soil’s surface so that it may permeate and reach the roots of the plants. This approach uses various techniques, including basin, border, and furrow irrigation. Because it works well with various crops and landscapes, surface irrigation is popular among farmers.

2. Sprinkler Irrigation

Sprinkler irrigation distributes water over fields using a network of pipes with sprinklers installed. The sprinklers simulate rainfall by releasing water droplets. This technology is extremely efficient, allowing for accurate water application while decreasing water waste and guaranteeing uniform coverage. Sprinkler irrigation is appropriate for various crops and is especially beneficial in places with uneven terrain or soil conditions.

3. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation, commonly called micro-irrigation, is a water-saving technique that provides water in a regulated way to the plant roots. It entails utilizing a system of tubes or emitters that drip water at or close to the plant’s root zone. Drip irrigation assists in the targeted supply of nutrients while minimizing water loss from evaporation or runoff. This approach is especially helpful in regions with little water resources or where water conservation is a top concern.

4. Subsurface Irrigation

Subsurface irrigation applies water directly to plant roots below the soil’s surface. This method uses subsurface perforated tubes or pipes to provide water at the proper depth while limiting evaporation and weed development. Water-sensitive crops, such as vegetables and orchards, and regions with high evaporation rates or water scarcity are particularly suited to subsurface irrigation.

5. Center Pivot Irrigation

The sprinklers of a center pivot irrigation system are linked to the moving boom and used to disperse water around the whole system’s circumference. This technique is used for industrial-scale agricultural output and is very effective for easy water application. Field crops such as corn and soybeans are often grown using center pivot irrigation, best suited for a moderately sloping terrain.

Flatwater Sales Inc. Has a Wide Selection of New and Used Irrigation Equipment

The most common types of irrigation systems for agriculture vary in their usage based on the farm’s needs. Hence, assess your crops and the farm’s topography before investing in an irrigation system.

Flatwater Sales Inc. offers various new and used irrigation equipment by renowned agriculture brands. They have all the basic and advanced agricultural equipment and tools, whether you need new or used center pivots, collector rings, rainbow pumps, or other items.

Visit their website to shop for top-notch irrigation equipment now.

