Hello! I'm Veronica Hanson, a minimalist nomadic mom who studied Psychology at Oregon State University. I'm passionate about creating unforgettable memories with my family and living a life full of adventure. Through my informative and casual writing, I aim to inspire others to explore the world and embrace new experiences.

On Medium, you'll find me sharing my insights about what you can and cannot bring on a plane. As a mother, I understand the challenges of combining family life with travel, but I'm here to break down the rules so you can book the trip without fear.

When I'm not writing on Medium, you can find me on my blog, Nomad Veronica, where I dive deeper into my adventures and share tips for living a minimalist nomadic remote income lifestyle. I also love connecting with like-minded people on Instagram, so feel free to follow me @nomadveronica to get a glimpse of my journey.

I'm currently working on my first book and eager to connect with writers and readers who share my passion for storytelling and exploration. If you enjoy my writing or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to building a supportive community where we can learn from each other and grow together.

Medium member since January 2024
Friend of Medium since April 2024
Connect with Veronica Hanson
Veronica Hanson

Veronica Hanson

Friend of Medium

I teach moms to ditch their possessions, earn remote income 💸 and slow travel the world 🌏 ✈️ http://www.nomadfamily.club