Does The Power of Advertising Work In Matters of the Heart?

VH Turner
3 min readFeb 1, 2019
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“‘In Search Of A Rare Blend Of The Old-fashioned and Fun’

A duck walks into a bar and asks, “Quack, got any gwapes?”
The bartender answers, “No.”
The duck comes back the next day and asks, “Quack, got any gwapes?”
The bartender answers, “No.”
The duck comes back the next day.
The bartender says. “If you ask me for grapes, I am going to staple your bill to the floor.”
The duck leaves.
The duck comes back the next day and asks, “Quack, got any staples?”
The bartender answers, “No.”
The duck asks, “Quack, got any gwapes?”

If I made you roll your eyes, you owe me a chai latte.
If I made you smile, I owe you a back rub and a home cooked dinner.
If I made you chuckle, we owe each other a night on the town.
If I made you guffaw, I think I could love you forever.

So, what will it be?”

My friend works a lower paying gig helping people. She is goofy, kind, and about to hit a working poverty in a few months. So, she has decided to find a sugar daddy.

