Issue of Consent

How does the article handle the issue of consent?

Veronica Vayne
2 min readMay 1, 2024
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The article addresses the issue of consent in a nuanced and complex manner, particularly through the interaction between Stephen (later Stephanie) and Eric. The narrative reveals a situation where consent is murky and ultimately violated, highlighting several key aspects of how consent is navigated and sometimes disregarded:

Ambiguity and Coercion: The article illustrates a scenario where consent is not clear-cut. Stephen’s responses to Eric’s advances are ambiguous, influenced by a mix of curiosity, fear, and a desire for acceptance. Eric’s behavior, from pressuring Stephen to reveal secrets to pushing for sexual activity, exemplifies coercion, where consent is not freely given but rather extracted under pressure.

Lack of Enthusiastic Consent: The concept of enthusiastic consent — where all parties are excited and affirmative about engaging in any form of intimacy — is absent in the interaction between Stephen and Eric. Stephen’s reluctance and the phrase “We shouldn’t. Mom is upstairs,” indicate a lack of genuine, enthusiastic agreement to the sexual encounter, raising serious concerns about consent.

Power Dynamics: The power dynamics between Eric and Stephen play a crucial role in the consent issue. Eric’s insistence and Stephen’s vulnerability — stemming from revealing a deeply personal secret — create an imbalance that Eric exploits, further complicating the consent narrative.

Impact of Non-Consensual Encounters: The article subtly addresses the long-term impact of non-consensual encounters on individuals. Stephanie’s immediate reaction to seeing Eric again — a mix of shock, anger, and the urge to flee — reflects the lasting trauma and discomfort resulting from their past encounter.

Responsibility and Accountability: By focusing on Eric’s actions and Stephen’s reactions, the article prompts readers to consider the importance of responsibility and accountability in sexual encounters. It underscores the need for all parties to ensure that consent is clear, enthusiastic, and ongoing.

Overall, the article handles the issue of consent by portraying a realistic and distressing scenario that prompts reflection on the importance of clear communication, respect for boundaries, and the need for consent to be an enthusiastic and mutual agreement.



Veronica Vayne

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