Ruffled Shades of Blue

Veronika Lipar
1 min readMar 24, 2017


Pink might be the hot colour of the season everyone is wearing right now. But fashionistas have some other colour on the spot right now. Yes, after the Dior’s last fashion show, there is the new colour in the town. And you know it well. It’s blue!

After wearing all pink on Wednesday, going for something less girly was quite refreshing. Even so, it is almost impossible to escape from the girly, princess’ mood this season and stay fashionable. Sure, you can wear stripes all over, but let’s be honest, looking like you just escaped from the jail might be a little too much after a week or so. Besides this trend isn’t going anywhere for a while. For months to be exact. Anyway, enough about stripes for now. See and Read more on

