Let’s Get Reacquainted — an Update From Vertex.

Vertex Protocol
3 min readSep 1, 2022

It’s been three months since we last updated you and whilst you’ve been working on your tans (or not) and avoiding the crypto bear market, our engineers have been glued to their screens looking paler than ever after totally rebuilding our codebase and transferring our new trading platform over to Arbitrum. So with that, there’s plenty to look forward to over the next few months… .

An Update

Over the last few months, we’ve been hard at work, heads buried in blocks, nodes and codes. Our vision for Vertex was laid out here, but realizing a vision takes time and whilst we haven’t had much time to talk (Sorry!), we are pumped about what we have been working on. (Sorry, not sorry. xx)

We are more committed than ever to our vision of a vertically integrated exchange that can marry DeFi’s obvious security benefits with the performance and convenience that can compete with any CEX. The future of DeFi is to make sure that all users can benefit from it and the best way to do that is to engage users and build with them in mind.

Our mission is simple: make decentralized trading useful and accessible for all.

We believe this means empowering users with control over their assets without sacrificing speed or ease of use. Let’s take a look at what we have in store over the next few months.

A brief outline of what’s to come:

  • Litepaper — Vertex re-invented. The problems we aim to solve, and how are we going to do it.
  • Re-brand announcement — We’ve had a makeover, and can’t wait to hear what you all think.
  • Messari Mainnet — Come say hello to the team inNew York. Merch, games, giveaways.
  • Testnet launch — A chance to play around with the platform, risk-free.
  • Mainnet launch — D-Day.


First week of September — the release of our New Litepaper — a deep dive into what we’re building. We will lay out our vision for Vertex, the critical problems we aim to solve and discuss the potential roadmap for evolution.

Second week of September — Rebrand — A new product deserves a new outfit. We will show ours off in a few week's time and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think.

September 21st-23rd — Messari Mainnet — After all this time apart we’re hoping that you still recognize us — BUT if you don’t, we will be the ones at Messari Mainnet in NYC holding a sign that says, “Better than CEX”. We will be gathering feedback from attendees and showing off the first glimpses of our new UI and trading tools. So drop by and introduce yourself to the team (and grab some Vertex swag!).

Late October — Public Testnet — coming on the back of our code audit, the Testnet phase will help us make sure Vertex is ready for launch. We will gather as much feedback from our community as possible. Everyone knows the challenges facing the crypto industry, but very few entities have devised a solution to overcome them. Vertex, is excited to solve these problems with YOU.

Mid-Late November — Mainnet Launch — Game day! Using your feedback & suggestions during Testnet, we’ll iterate on what constitutes the best user-focused product possible ahead of our launch. We can’t wait to launch on Arbitrum’s new Nitro!


It’s been a long road (for all of us) and an even longer (but exciting!) one lies ahead. Given the speed with which our vision has evolved and our product roadmap adapted, we look forward to sharing what we have been working on! We appreciate the patience the community has shown, and we hope to have many more of you join us on the journey.

We have a lot in store ahead of our launch and look forward to spending more time talking with you on our socials as things evolve! (and IRL at Mainnet!).

The Vertex Team 🏔️



Vertex Protocol

Cross-margin spot, perps & money markets. Trade, earn and borrow with maximum capital efficiency all on one easy-to-use but powerful dApp.