How to use Word Cloud plugin for Gephi

Dr. Veronica Espinoza
3 min readApr 9, 2023


By Dr. Verónica Espinoza, 2023.

Twitter @Verukita1

Linkedin: Dra. Verónica Espinoza

This plugin displays the most frequent keywords among a textual attribute of the network, in the form of a word cloud.

Word Cloud Plugin

This plugin displays the most frequent keywords among a textual attribute of the network. These keywords are refreshed according to the selection made with the mouse by the user. This is useful for exploring and understanding a network that you discover [1].

Plugin Features

  • Useful if you have a network with nodes that have a textual attribute. The network should be pretty large so that you need to discover things in it.
  • An attribute, typically can be the “description” or “bio” of a node.
  • The plugin displays a word cloud of the top words of this attribute, for the nodes that are selected when you hover over them with the mouse.
  • “Stop words” (small common words like “the”, “while”, “ but” …) are automatically removed when the user selects the language corresponding to the attribute to be analyzed.
Last updated March 30, 2023

This plugin was developed by Clément Levallois, a professor based in Paris, with a passion for extracting information from social media and networks. He has published studies in academic journals.

Find more about Clément Levallois in the Facebook group for Gephi, Twitter, LinkedIn or review his website.

🏁Let´s start!

STEP 1. Follow the procedure described below to install the plugin.

STEP 2. To view the plugin, go to Window > Word Cloud plugin.

Now, you will see your plugin and its options in the right panel of the gephi interface, as shown.

STEP 3. Follow the numbers below to explore the keywords of your network.

🎬Now let's see these steps in action!


This plugin shows a word cloud of a textual node attribute, when you hover the network with your mouse. It helps explore and understand the network quickly, without having to visit the data table to see what the nodes are about.

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Do you want to learn more about Gephi?

I share other tutorials that I have written about Gephi:

  1. How to publish your Gephi network to the web.
  2. Link Prediction Plugin for Gephi.
  3. Position Ranking Plugin for Gephi,
  4. How to visualize a Spotify Network in Gephi in just a few steps!
  5. How to use Network Splitter 3D plugin for Gephi
  6. Meet the Gephi color palette and make beautiful visualizations
  7. What is Gephi? Meet this useful network analysis tool.
  8. Groups by Partition Plugin for Gephi: “Each node is the aggregation of a group of nodes”


📥Download Word Cloud plugin here

📥Download Gephi here

👍 Read this story I wrote where you will find interesting resources about Gephi tool.


  1. Word Cloud plugin [Internet]. [cited 2023 Apr 3]. Available from:



Dr. Veronica Espinoza

👨‍🎓 PhD Humanities 🧠M. Sc Neurobiology 🧪B.S. Chemistry. 👉 X: @Verukita1 😉 Support my work here: 🌐website: