Importance of Physical Activity in Cats

vetscan diagnostics
4 min readMay 31, 2024


Cats need to be physically active for various reasons that affect their mental, emotional, and physical health. The following main ideas emphasise how crucial exercise is for cats:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight helps cats avoid obesity-related conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and joint difficulties. Regular exercise can help cats achieve this goal.
  • As cats age, it’s especially critical to maintain their muscle mass and strength through exercise.
  • Exercise maintains the heart and lungs in excellent shape and enhances cardiovascular health.
  • Getting moving can help with digestion and lower the chance of constipation and other stomach problems.
  • Because they are innate hunters, cats require mental stimulus to prevent boredom.
  • Physical activity lowers blood sugar levels and lowers the chance of diabetes, especially in overweight cats.
  • Cats can express their innate hunting impulses in a safe and supervised environment by engaging in play that mimics hunting behaviours, such as pursuing and pouncing.
  • A cat’s curiosity and urge to investigate their surroundings can be satiated by offering opportunities for exploration through activities.
  • Encourage play by providing feather wands, laser pointers, and other interactive toys.
  • Provide your cats access to shelves, climbing frames, and other vertical areas for exploration.
  • Set aside some time every day for your cat to play, making sure they get lots of exercise.
  • To make mealtimes more enjoyable, use puzzle feeders or toys that distribute add additional activity and engagement to mealtimes.
  • If at all feasible, offer a secure leash training as a means of ensuring safe outdoor access.
  • Owners may contribute to the health, happiness, and fulfilment of their feline friends by making sure they get enough exercise.

Weight management in cats

Cats must control their weight if they are to be healthy and happy animals. Retaining optimal weight reduces the risk of certain health complications, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart difficulties. Here are some essential tactics and factors to take into account while properly controlling your cat’s weight:

  • Select a cat food that is both high-quality and nutritionally balanced. Steer clear of those that have a lot of fillers like corn or wheat and look for ones that mention meat as the primary component.
  • Assist your cat’s age, activity level, and metabolism in determining how much food to feed them. Refer to the feeding guidelines on the cat food container. One of the main causes of weight gain is overfeeding.
  • To reduce calorie consumption, serve meals at set times as opposed to free-feeding.
  • Keep treat consumption to a minimum and limit it to no more than 10% of your cat’s total caloric intake each day. Select calorie-conscious, healthful delights.
  • To promote mobility, have interactive play sessions with toys like balls, feather wands, and laser pointers.
  • Enhance the environment by adding shelves, cat trees, and other vertical areas where cats can climb and explore. Both mental and physical involvement may be heightened by these.
  • To make mealtime an exciting and dynamic event, use puzzle feeders or toys that distribute treats.
  • To keep an eye on your cat’s weight, weigh them every few days. A gradual shift in weight may be a sign that their diet or level of activity needs to be modified.
  • To prevent health issues, aim for a weekly weight decrease of 1% to 2% of the cat’s body weight.
  • Take into account meals that are low in calories but abundant in fibre and protein, as advised by veterinarians.
  • Drinking enough water is crucial, particularly if they are following a dry food diet.
  • Continue your regular workout and eating schedules. Stress and swings in weight might result from abrupt changes.
  • Integrate exercise into your cat’s everyday routine to make it feel natural and part of their way of life.


Making sure cats get enough exercise improves their physical, mental, and emotional well-being and leads to healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

The body’s natural “feel-good” hormones, endorphins, are released when physical activity is undertaken. These endorphins aid in lowering stress levels and enhancing well-being.

Frequent exercise gives surplus energy a release, which lowers stress and anxiety. Cats who get plenty of play and exercise time are less likely to exhibit behaviours associated with stress. A cat’s mind is kept active and prevents boredom with activities that resemble hunting and exploration. A cat that is mentally stimulated is happier and more content.

Engaging in physical activities, particularly those that include novel toys or settings, fulfils a cat’s innate curiosity and enhances their emotional well-being.



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