Bambi bambino
3 min readMay 17, 2022


30 Dec 2021

The number one factor that leads to a successful transaction is trust in the payment process. Yet, a seamless payment experience is what most stores struggle to achieve. As a merchant, you most likely face payment problems.

At BridgerPay we are on a mission to fix all payment pains forever.

To do this, we talked to thousands of business owners, small, medium, and enterprise. We listened and we grouped all their payment pains into 5 categories. Then we created a software that solves them all, easily and with no code.

This article will take you through the BridgerPay product, and will show you how you can solve your eCommerce payment pains by using just one software.

Payment pains: what they are

As we said, we found 5 categories that group all payment pains expressed by the people we talked to. The chart below lays them out:

Let’s explain them in detail:

Payment Providers Integration: the high cost of developing and maintaining individual integrations to multiple PSPs is a major pain point, especially for small and medium businesses that are trying to expand to new markets.

Declined Transactions: They amount to an average of 3% of the total revenue from eCommerce. 3% can translate into less budget for marketing and growth, or at the very least into revenue lost for no reason.

Processing Optimizations: Showing customers only their preferred payment methods can boost conversion rates, but it’s another point because developing the tech in-house is difficult and expensive, if not impossible, for many businesses.

PCI Compliance: With over 1800 pages of rules, being PCI compliant is hard and comes at a hefty cost. Nonetheless, no online business can afford to fall behind on this important safety certification.

Checkout Experience: The number one reason for a successful transaction is an easy checkout flow. It’s also the hardest thing to get right due to PSPs limitations, integration problems, and bad design.

One software, one easy solution to all your payment pains

At BridgerPay we developed a software that allows you to solve all your payment pains without writing a single line of code. We use the connect, manage, optimize approach. Let us walk you through BridgerPay and show you how to achieve complete control over your payment stack.

Connect any PSP

We developed the world’s first self-onboarding payment orchestration software. This means that you can build BridgerPay by yourself, with no code, and scale it as your business grows. To get started there are three easy steps:

1. Install BridgerPay

2. Connect your first PSP

3. Start Processing

Congratulations! You just solved three major payment pains!

Now you can connect to any PSP you need, with no code and in just a few clicks. Also, your checkout is the same for all payment methods, PCI DSS Level 1 compliant and can be customized to your brand’s look and feel.

Create the perfect payment flows

The Bridger Router gives you full control over your payment flows. Decide what payment method your customers see based on their location, currency, transaction value, and dozens of other filters and combinations. When it comes to payments there is no one-size-fits-all, this is why we created a drag-and-drop flow that gives you the power to create a custom-made payment experience for every customer.

For example, you can make Klarna available to your European customers and Hoolah to your Asian customers. This allows you to dramatically improve your approval ratios.

Rescue declined transactions

Managing your payments flow will minimize declined transactions and boost your revenue. Unfortunately, the risk of a technical decline is always around the corner. Bridger Retry™ allows you to choose a sequence of PSPs to fall back on if the first transaction is declined. For many of our customers, Bridger Retry™ recovers over 30% of transactions declined for technical reasons.

More cool stuff

To create the perfect payment experience you need easy access to data. Bridger Reports is our powerful reporting engine that analyzes all your transactions in one click independently from the PSP that processed them. Thanks to Bridger Reports you will be able to fine-tune your routes to reach even more customers.

More and more customers are asking for fast and one-click transactions. Bridger Safe allows for state-of-the-art tokenization for enhanced security and one-click purchases for returning customers.

At BridgerPay we don’t believe in static. We believe in constant improvement. We will solve any new payment challenge and we will give you the solution.

This is the end of the journey for this article. BridgerPay is a scalable software, that will grow with you and your business. Make your payments future-proof, adopt BridgerPay today. Get in touch.

