Public Buses in Phnom Penh

2 min readJul 13, 2019


The rise of the public transportation in the Kingdom.

Bus is one of a kind of public transportation that many familiar with, but not to Cambodian. The public bus services is just recently re-implement again by the governmenet in 2018, under City Bus Authority.

It is not an easy task to catch a public bus in Phnom Penh, bcoz basically, the buses are not on-time at all due to high traffic congestion problem, so bus here is sometime late and other time is very late!!!

Other issues:

  • Payment: I would recommend carrying the exact 1500Riel/per trip (Cambodian Currency) bcoz the if you get bigger bill you won't get the changes back. There are some cashless method, but sometime it is not working at all, so best way is to have some Riel Bill will you if you wanna catch the bus.
  • Information: There are so little informations about public bus in Phnom Penh, the result search either old, or inaccurate at all since the bus line and bus stop will evolve over time since City Bus is still adjusting and changing to fit the current situation in Phnom Penh.

So you still wanted to try public bus experience in Phnom Penh ? There is a way that u may try :-)

There is an app that me and my team working so hard with City Bus Authority to build it up just for one purpose:

Make riding public bus experience better!

Introducing TosJis, You can download both Android or iOS by the link below or just scan the QR code.

PS: So if you decided to try public bus in the Kingdom and you wanted to make this app even better, We would love your to hear yours idea/contribution to make this app even better. You can do so right inside the app or drop me an email.




MSc in Engineering & Technology. Interesting in everything + Energy things. Full stack Mobile App Developer from Cambodia.