Vezt Announcements and Change of Date for Our Sale

Vezt Inc
2 min readOct 19, 2017


Greetings, Vezt Community!

With the public token sale imminent, we’ve received a lot of feedback. We’ve listened and read every single one of your comments, and have decided to take some extra time to ramp up our public relations and to make further inroads into the crypto community.

To achieve this goal, we have rescheduled the public sale for Nov 3.

Engaging the Community
In addition, we plan to engage the community in a more direct fashion. Here is what we plan to do:

  1. Add more crypto moderators
  2. Include more Vezt team members in Telegram engaging with the community
  3. Engage the community to become more involved with helping to spread the word about Vezt. One area we have in mind immediately is to request additional content (i.e. blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, memes, etc.) in exchange for Vezt bounties. More on this to come shortly.
  4. Hold community contests to win Vezt bounties and reward advocates.
  5. Hold more AMAs in various local time zones to give everyone a chance to ask questions in open forums.

Music News
We’ve been hard at work on the music side as well, we are excited to share this news. We have acquired rights in the following:

  • “Devil in a New Dress” by Kanye West

Advisory Board and Staff News
We are very pleased to announce the following hires have been made in the last two weeks:

  • Tim Devine as Head of A&R
  • Jeff Blue as Senior VP of Artist Relations
  • Aahmek Richards as VP of Marketing

We’re also pleased announce Jonathan Teo as a new Investment Partner in Vezt.

In addition, we have made two key additions to our Advisory Board:

  • Marc Geiger, Head Of William Morris Endeavor’s Music Division And Co-Founder Of Lollapalooza
  • Jeff Pulver, Internet pioneer, VoIP advocate, organizer of #140conf and MoNage events

Ramping Up the TGE
We’ve on-boarded all the right people and have a successful TGE roadmap. Here is what those people will be doing and why that will make the crypto/TGE side of this as successful as the artist onboarding side.

  1. Add our TGE to more ICO calendars and trackers.
  2. Increase media buys.
  3. Announce more artist partnerships.
  4. Make and release product demos.
  5. Attend more conferences, sponsor some upcoming conferences.

Keep Your Ideas Coming
We welcome all of your advice, input, and ideas. Keep them coming! If you have any questions, don’t be shy. Please ask. In the meantime, stay tuned for more news and updates!

At your service,
Michael E. Rubin
Director of Communications, Vezt

