Playing with Keboola Jupyter notebooks on iPad

3 min readJan 21, 2018


I have a chance to test drive new iOS iPad app called Juno. Juno is a client for Jupyter Notebook — it lets you connect to a remote Jupyter notebook server and do everything you do with Jupyter on desktop, anywhere. This app made me wonder: Can I then open Keboola jupyter notebooks on my iPad then?

What is Keboola? Keboola is a data integration platform to help data guys within companies to work on the data and skip the tedious infrastructure part (server, database setup, security, logging, etc.).

Keboola offers several ways to play&explore the data without the risk of altering the data in the data warehouse, a.g. Sandbox environments. Aside of SQL sandbox, Keboola offers R Studio and Jupyter notebooks with pre-loaded data from the storage. So let’s go for it!

How-to (photo story)

Create Jupyter sandbox environment in Keboola project. On the iPad of course.

Copy notebook URL:

Sign up for testing Juno app on developer’s website or simply purchase the app once available:

Open the app and create a new connection with the URL. In my case it is:


Port: 32774

Icon: they even have an octopus icon!

Enter the sandbox password from Keboola. Notice they even support 1Password system extension. Neat!

That’s it! You can now start exploring the data on your iPad, either during commuting, weekend cabin, or simply from the couch.

Final words

Apps like Juno, Pythonista, Working Copy, Prompt, and others show what can be done on iPad to push it out of its “consumption device” image and prove iPads can be productivity device as well.

Keboola continues to provide easy ways to share and work safely on the data stored in the warehouse and RStudio and Jupyter notebook integration is an awesome addition to Snowflake SQL backend. Makes me wonder, could OpenRefine sandbox be the next?




A online presence of Martin Fiser. Sorting out data challenges @Keboola, Vancouver, BC.