Enjoy the Process, not the Result

You have to love your journey

Eunike Ve
4 min readJul 25, 2023
Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

If you can’t enjoy the process of life, you probably won’t enjoy the result.

We all know that life is a journey, but often times we don’t like to take the journey just because it takes time to reach the destination we want. Most of us want to see the result as quickly as possible, but we forget that everything takes time.

One month ago, I went on vacation to Indonesia. It took almost 9 hours to arrive at my hometown, including the transit flight. To me, 9 hours is a long journey.

In waiting, I feel bored and tired, but this is the process that I have to go through. However, what makes me patient to wait is that I will finally see and meet my family; moreover, I am released from the rat race.

I imagine myself free from work and enjoying my time with my family. I want to go places and eat my favorite food. All of this imagination is just a result of patiently waiting until I arrive in my hometown.

What I just described is one example of why the journey is more important than the destination. If you can’t stay on the journey, you probably won’t reach your destination.

And that’s how life works. Everything takes time, and we don’t know when each of us will reach our destination of success.

When we tend to focus on the end goal all the time and are constantly thinking of it in the back of our minds. Sometimes social media can even have a huge effect on our lives, to the point where we’re comparing ourselves and comparing our lives, and we want to get somewhere so badly that we won’t enjoy the process.

We don’t enjoy the journey; we’re so focused on the end goal of getting to the result that we can’t always focus on the result because, in order for you to get to the end result, you have to love your journey.

You have to love the difficulties that you’re going to go through. You’re going to go through so many ups and downs to get to where you want to be, and if you constantly look at social media or people that have it already, you’re going to get so discouraged and unmotivated because you’re not going to love the journey that you’re on because you’re so focused on the end result.

You have to go through hardships, and then you will look back, and people will look up to you and be like, How did you get there? And you’re going to be able to tell your story.

You can’t fall in love with the end result before falling in love with the journey, because the journey is what’s going to build you and make you able to share your story with other people about why you are where you are today.

Feeling lost in life is part of the journey. When you get out of this hard time that you’re going through, you’re going to look back and be like, I felt so lost in life during this time, but I realized I had to pick myself up and get myself to where I needed to be, and that meant staying disciplined, staying focused on the end goal, and knowing that you have to be present at the moment.

Last but not least, during my flight to Indonesia, I saw another plane passing by, and I was very lucky that I captured it. I was just sitting near the window seat at about 37,000 ft. I was wondering if it might have some separation rules.

However, what I want to say is that it’s so easy to lose focus when you see everybody in the same race as you. But let me tell you something: everyone is running their own race in their own time. Just like the aircraft, they are in the same race, but they stay in line and focus on their traffic.

Do not underestimate yourself, whether you walk slowly or fast. Do not despise the process. Believe that you will get to where you want to be.

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Eunike Ve

Content Writer and Blogger. Writing is my passion and I write about what matters in life.