My Top 5 Best Advice in Life

Don’t take life lightly

Eunike Ve
7 min readMar 25, 2023
Photo by frame harirak on Unsplash

In life, we all make mistakes because we’re only imperfect human beings. We sometimes get lost in the jungle, and we don’t know how to turn back to our home or which path to take. We feel stuck, miserable, fearful, and hopeless.

Is life really all that matters? Is there any way to prevent it from getting lost or miserable? What is the best advice we should take to get us to our destination?

I, for one, have been there, and if I can be honest, I still don’t know where my destination is.

One time, when I was in a low state, I started to question life. The idea of the universe, God, the ancestor, and whatever they believe in, and on every journey, I always try to understand what lesson I get and what message they want me to know. Finally, I know.

I guess life is designed to follow the law of Our Creator. If you’ve been wondering why sometimes we live a miserable life because we don’t know that law. As far as I know, God created the law to protect us, but sometimes we choose to break that law.

However, we are only humans that lack knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Therefore, If we strive to get it, I believe we will get it.

So in this article, I want to bring you along on the journey that I’ve been on for the past 17 years, and I’d love to give you my top five best pieces of advice. Not only that, I do not want to only speak or talk about it; I am living in it. I apply them to my life.

Be Yourself

This is tough advice. I’m not going to lie; I’ve been in a place where I feel like somebody else. I was a recycled version of everything, a photocopy of everyone, and the original version of no one. I know I was lost, and I ask myself this question: who am I? I was searching for my real identity.

The average human being doesn’t know who they are, and that’s why they are trying to be somebody. Therefore I want to tell you something. We all are unique, genuine, whole, and complete. When you try to be somebody else, you’re not living the truth about yourself.

The great discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself, you will always be someone else. Become yourself – Dr. Myles Monroe

Be yourself and don’t try to impress anybody because, no matter who they are, you want people to love you for who you are and not for someone you’re trying to be because you don’t want to have to act your whole life.

Learn How to be Less Judgmental of Others

Judgment is something that I see creating so much unhappiness for a lot of people, but inherently, it is something that is so common.

As people, we are wired to compare and contrast, and oftentimes this manifests as just judgments of others.

But what are we actually doing when we have to judge someone? We are inherently coming from a very egocentric way of being one of ourselves and creating a separation between us and the person that we are judging. We are creating a barrier between us and a space of non-acceptance.

When we judge someone, we are communicating that we think we know better than them. But the thing is, there’s no clue about the correct way to live life.

What’s right for me may not be right for anyone else, and in fact, we don’t know what another person is experiencing. How could we? We are not in their shoes. We don’t know the past, their history, or their current circumstances. We don’t know what they value.

If you think about it, what gives someone the right to judge someone else’s journey? At the end of the day, none of it is perfect. I’m certainly not perfect. We’re all humans trying to figure this thing out. We make mistakes.

People today live life like a see-saw. In order for them to feel high, they have to put others down, but none of that matters.

And sometimes we just feel better about ourselves when we judge others, and everything there was just a projection of our own security.

Learn to Love Yourself

This was one of my favorite pieces of advice. In my previous article, I talked about how it is important to love yourself before someone else can.

But also, I want to quote something from my favorite motivational speaker, whom I admire because of his incredible teaching, Dr. Myles Monroe. And he said it’s the best;

The first and most important relationship that you should develop is not with other people but with yourself.

In another word, the most important relationship you can develop in your life is the one with yourself. The foundation of our problems is that we don’t know how to love ourselves. We have never been taught how to love ourselves.

We’ve been conditioned to love other people in order to be happy. But let me remind you: “Stop trying to love people first; this is why you got hurt.” “If you don’t love yourself, you need people to love you, and when they disappoint you, the whole bottom falls out because now you don’t feel loved again.”

This is why we are difficult for other people; we try to get them to love us so we can feel loved.

Be Kind to Others

When I was a kid, my parents taught me to always be kind to people. even to strangers that we don’t even know. I’ve grown up; I’m 38 years old now. I will never forget those words. Being kind costs you nothing, but it gives you value.

I remember two years ago, I wrote on Quora. At that time I was having lunch at KFC, and I saw an elderly person grabbing leftover food from other people. It left me speechless. You may read the full story here.

Seeing her like that, I feel pity for her, so I give all my food to her and ask her not to grab that leftover food. I also buy some food for her in case she doesn’t have money.

What makes me wonder is that there are a lot of people out there, but none of them are trying to help, which is sad.

So I learned something: “We don’t have to wait to help people who are in need; if you see around you that need help and you are compelled to help or give, just do it.”

One small act of kindness could mean the world to someone.

Put God First

This advice is the most important among them. There’s a saying that goes like this: “Put God first in everything you do; make Him your priority.” Yes, it’s true!

Make sure you have the blessing of God. What I mean by that is that if you don’t have the blessing of God over what you do, you may end up struggling for the rest of your life.

I’ve come to realize that God plays a big factor in what we do. And if you ignore God and decide to go on your own, you may end up struggling and struggling and struggling. It is just a matter of time before you come to the end of yourself.

You can try to promote yourself; you can try everything, including marketing on social media. I’ve done most of them too. But I know the difference when God promotes you. It’s a big difference.

So I want to encourage you to work hard and depend on God. Put God first in everything you do, and He will do the rest.

Last but not least, giving advice is always easy, but actually doing it is much harder. But something is not going to happen if you don’t take action.

At first, I struggled to apply all the advice that I give you now. It takes time to change my mindset, but one thing that I want you to know is that nothing changes until your mind changes.

My last piece of advice is, all humans want to feel a sense of fulfillment, a desire that can make them happy. Pursuing something for self-satisfaction is fine, but we need to know and understand that we don’t have to create the habit that will ruin our life and lead us into destruction.

I discovered this and applied it to myself: the only way to break bad habits is to become discontented with them. You will never change what you tolerate.

How many times do we say, “I need to change,” but we still keep doing it? It’s because we TOLERATE. Whatever you tolerate, you will never change.

You will never become what you could be until you become angry with who you are. Anger brings change. Be mad at yourself for wanting to be the best person. Push yourself to change the habits. It will give you hope.

I love to write about anything that matters in life. What inspires me, what confuses me, or maybe what interests me? My purpose is to share my experience about life (good and bad). I have an opinion and enjoy sharing life stories and exploring my curiosities.

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Thank you for reading and special thanks to this amazing writer who always supports me in my writing journey.

Patrick Stewart, That Medium Hack 🌟, Ray Day, Francisco Iglesias, H. K. Tongco, Andrew Pretzel, ~Dr.Têi•B~, Oscar Soto ⚡, Yvonne Laframboise

Thank you for reading.



Eunike Ve

Content Writer and Blogger. Writing is my passion and I write about what matters in life.