Jalianwala Bagh Massacre

Shatakshi Singh
3 min readSep 30, 2021


Let’s start with an essay or a speech (you may say) on Jallianwala Bagh of nearly 450 words.

Introduction -:

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on 13 April 1919. It was one of the most brutal and heart wrenching action placed in India’s freedom struggle.

Body -:

Nearly a century ago with the efforts of Mahatma Gandhi and many other leaders, India was starting to unite in one Nation. While the British government continued crushing the voices of Nationalists.

On 18 March 1919,The legislative Council of Delhi passed the Rowlatt Act. Through the Rowlatt Act government gave themselves power to shutdown all political campaign, meetings and rallies.

Only on a suspicion or doubt, the police could arrest anyone for a period of 2 years without a trial or request. Indians felt very angry and furious On 6th of April, against this act Mahatma Gandhi issued a call nationwide, that was non — violence Satyagraha.

In Punjab, people answered the call for strike with extraordinary interest. It became a platform for voicing their pain for the issues. 2 beloved Gandhian leaders , Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Kitchlew let the Rowlatt Satyagraha here.

Check out this amazing animated video on Jalianwala Bagh. 👇

On 9 April, Amritsar celebrated Ram Navmi day as National unity day. Everyone present there who is of any religion have Chabel ( Rose Milk ) to mark the day.

On 10 April, the authorities arrested and deported Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Kitchlew. Thus awaken the anger of the people.

They protested against this unlawful detention during which police fired upon a peaceful procession provoking attacks on banks, railway station and government offices by the protestors.

To Crush The Voices of the people, On 11 April 1919, The British brought in Brigadier- General Dyer. He made a Martial Law and deployed aeroplanes to survey across the city. In this law, gatherings of more than 4 people was banned.

Check out this video on Jalianwala Bagh. 👇

On 13 April 1919,Nearly 20,000 people gathered at Jallianwala Bagh, for celebrating the festival of Baisakhi and to demand the release of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. kitchlew.

Suddenly, the police officers came and started shooting the people. Many people jumped in the well as they thought they’ll survive but didn’t. The shooting continued till they ran out of bullets.

Thousands of people died and around 1,500 were severely injured. The news spread like a wild fire across the country. It encouraged many more to participate in India’s freedom struggle.

Rabindranath Tagore returned his knighthood awarded by British.

Mahatma Gandhi also returned his Kesar-i-Hind medal in the wake of this incident.

Conclusion -:

Jallianwala Bagh is a monument to our historic struggle for independence. It’s a symbol of sacrifice that was made at the altar of freedom by thousands of Patriots.


