Minecraft Nomad 50,000: Part 4 (It’s Playtime!)

Anna Carter
10 min readDec 2, 2023


Hello everyone, and welcome back to It’s Playtime! We’re back with more Minecraft today! If you aren’t aware of this series, it’s where I constantly journey through a Minecraft world on my one mission: to reach 50,000 in X and Z coordinates.

If you aren’t familiar with how things work by now, you clearly haven’t seen the other 3 parts! Check out Part 1 (Medium link), Part 2 (Medium link), and Part 3 (Medium link) to get caught up. Otherwise, things are going to be extremely confusing for you.

This time, there was a mix of… good and bad. We mixed up some travel styles, and went through a little more action than usual. However, you don’t need me to spoil the next ten days. You can see it for yourself! Without any more stalling, let’s get right into Day 31!

We started in the spot where we were last time. If you recall, we were right on top of the cliffs by a birch forest down below.

This cliff is more steep than it looks.

I… kind of forgot we had to get OVER them too. When I was making sure we were going the right direction, the path led to what was almost a sheer drop. There wasn’t much room anywhere to fit a camel and two dogs without them dying. Mustard especially was in a lot of danger due to his size. I can’t make him sit completely still either.

You did a lot of waiting for not a lot of results, huh?

While I was trying to figure out another route, I remembered that ruined nether portal from last time. I went to go check it out. The treasure wasn’t that great, but I did find a few iron nuggets. That was when I got an idea. I could get a water bucket, and we’d just float our way down!

Using the iron nuggets along with my own stash, I definitely had enough to make a bucket. Now, all I needed was to find water. Which meant… I had to go back in the birch forest, since there were a few waterfalls there. The sun was setting by then, though, so I simply went back to my spot and went to sleep.

I have to go down there just to find some water.

I started day 32 off by going down to the birch forest. It took me a while to find a suitable place to fill up the bucket. I did get the water after a lot of unnecessary panic, but it admittedly took a while to climb down and up. After that, though, I was ready. I poured the water down the cliff, and waited until it touched the bottom. I decided to bring Mustard down first. I was afraid of the Gemstone Siblings teleporting to the wrong place and falling to their doom, so I wanted the extremely high-health camel to go first.

Mustard’s stuck down there, for now.

I led Mustard to the cliff and slowly pushed him down. For the most part, he got a completely safe landing in the water. I followed down after him to get him to a safe spot, until I noticed something. I had accidentally poured my water directly over a huge cave entrance. The first thing I saw when I came down were several zombies walking out. I fought a couple of them off, but the sun was starting to set. I admittedly panicked and swam my way back up the cliff. Unfortunately, Mustard was still down there, without being tied up. That could be a problem, especially with his tendencies to disappear somehow. I just hoped he would be alright as I slept.

This was the first time in a while that I spent two whole days without travelling. I hoped I could get my act together tomorrow.

There’s the cave entrance. Mustard’s STILL so relaxed about everrything.

On day 33, I was focused on saving Mustard. Sword in hand, I travelled back down and booked it toward Mustard. I had to fight a few zombies on my way, but Mustard was mostly alright. I rode him until we reached a nearby beach, where I tied him up. Mustard was safe, with barely a scratch on him. I mean, it only took 3 DAYS.

With that problem sorted out, I helped the Gemstone Siblings down. My worries of them dying were completely unfounded. None of them even got a scratch, and the monsters were basically all gone. I came back to the beach, and we were finally ready to travel again. I was ready to make up for lost time. I got some backup water in case we came across that situation again, and we headed on our way.

We had to do quite a bit of river crossing after that. We basically island-hopped for a little bit. I made sure to go slowly at first. Unfortunately, there were a lot of Drowned everywhere. That’s what I get for choosing Bedrock.

Anyway, I went fast over one particularly Drowned-filled river. And… uh… Well, this is going to be awkward. You know how I had this whole meaningful moment in the last part about going slower and appreciating what’s around me? And remembering to be concerned with my animals’ safety as well as my own? Well…

I lost Jasper in the same way I lost the Siblings.

Well, so much for that moral. Don’t judge me, alright? I didn’t want to fight Drowned with a camel in the river! I almost didn’t care at this point, since it had happened to me before. Still, RIP Jasper. You did… something.

Opal and Mustard, right after I realized Jasper was gone.

After that, we made it to a beach, and the sun was starting to set. So, I set everything up and went to sleep.

I wouldn’t have noticed the shipwreck if it weren’t for the mast poking out.

Day 34 begun with me almost immediately discovering something. A shipwreck in the ocean ahead of us! I was very intrigued with these, since there can be valuable stuff in them. I got in my boat and checked it out, only to instantly remember that Drowned were everywhere in that place. Then, I had an internal debate about whether or not I should try to get inside. It took me an embarrassingly long time, but I decided to move on from it. I probably don’t need to risk so much for things that I probably won’t use. Plus, there was another small problem.

When I got back to shore, I noticed that the ZL button (the one for using things, like opening a chest or getting on Mustard) didn’t work well. There were spots where it wouldn’t work at all. This had never happened before, and it hadn’t happened for any of my other games. In fact, it still doesn’t happen in other games. I chalked it up to probably being Minecraft lag. Luckily, these times were uncommon. That did set my decision in stone though. I’m not breaking into an underwater shipwreck only to struggle getting the chests open.

Also, I maybe… didn’t make too much progress today either. I was too distracted by the shipwreck, another reason why I shouldn’t have considered it. At that point, I was done messing around. We were going to travel after this, if it was the last thing I ever did!

On day 35, I ran into some immediate problems. First of all, I didn’t have enough wool to make a respawn bed. However, the second one was something I had been dreading for a while. What was this problem? Well, it turns out that we had to ocean travel. How am I going to bring a dog and camel along through thousands of blocks of water?

Boat travel ahoy! That gray speck in the ocean is Opal being left behind. :(

I spent a minute or two trying to figure out ways we can accomplish this. I realized soon enough that I could hold a lead while being in the boat, so that solved the problem of Mustard. But what about Opal? How was I going to get her across? Well, I eventually decided there wasn’t a way. I had to leave poor Opal behind to disappear. There was no other way if I wanted to reach my goal. Well, farewell Opal. I sailed away and-

Wait a second! I had another lead, I could attach her to it too! Or just put her in the boat! There was a way to save her!

By the time I realized this, though, she was already gone. Well, add that to the list of dumb mistakes I made today. Maybe I’m too dumb to own a dog. RIP Opal.

With that mistake out of the way, I started. Mustard was surprisingly okay being dragged along, and I could even go fast with him on the lead. There wasn’t much of a problem, and I finally made some progress.

I passed an ocean temple on my way. There was no shot that I was going to attempt that. If I didn’t want to do a shipwreck, I certainly wasn’t about to handle a temple while doing a nomad challenge. That didn’t take any thought at all, and I just went around it.

The iconic duo.

It took a while, but I finally saw some land. It was a good thing too, as the sun was already starting to dip low. I got Mustard onto land and killed a few sheep to get my wool stock back. Then, I went to sleep.

We did a small bit of land travel on day 36. It wasn’t very much, though, because this place was just an island. I just shrugged and did more ocean travel. Things were fine for a while, and a bunch of dolphins even helped us out. However, Mustard must have dragged behind somewhere, because I realized I lost a lead. Thankfully, Mustard didn’t disappear, but the lead did. I couldn’t find it either. Thank goodness I had a spare. I can’t believe I almost lost Mustard. It’s fine, though. Mustard’s a survivor.

Thankfully, we found land again, and I set up my bed and tied Mustard up. The island was pretty boring, but at least it was land at all. I just killed a bit more sheep and went to sleep.

A shipwreck on land! How convenient… if it were helpful!

Day 37 started out like day 34. That is, we found a shipwreck immediately. This one was different though, because it was on land. I went to go explore inside it, but the loot was worthless. Fun, I wasted a few minutes for nothing. After that, the coordinates pointed me toward the ocean again. As much as I could have done that, I decided to do more land travel, as the island went roughly the same direction. It was simply more interesting that way.

Another village!

It was a good thing I decided that too. As I ventured through a birch forest, I spotted a village! I was always excited to see these. I tied up Mustard and had a look around. The village was very pretty… but that was about it. There were barely any chests, and the chests that were there had useless stuff. I’m starting to see a pattern here…

Still, I decided to stay the night. I remember back in part 1 where I was sad leaving my first village. I’m definitely not by now. These villages aren’t really worth staying for.

Mustard decided to be a boat. That meadow is to the right!

As you might have expected, I immediately left on day 38. After that, I did a few more river crossings. I didn’t really have to ocean travel, thankfully. I did find a pretty meadow though. Nothing else to say, it just looks nice.

At the end of the day, we made it to yet another beach. We have to travel by boat again.

Ocean ruins, pre-destruction by yours truly.

On day 39, I started as soon as possible. We boat travelled for a while, with not much eventful things happening. That is, until we stumbled upon a few mini-islands. These places were extremely small, but I saw something near them. A very small stone monument, which I believe are ocean ruins. I had never had much experience with them, though I knew there had to be treasure hidden inside. So, I sort of… mined the entire thing away. I don’t think I needed to do that. Still, I found the treasure chest. The loot… can you guess? Can you possibly believe what the treasure was like?

Yeah, it was bad. I kind of expected it at this point. So, I just decided to wait on the island until the morning, while several Drowned watched me creepily. They backed away when I hit them though. They’re more polite than most Drowned I’ve seen.

Alright, it’s the final day of this part! Day 40. I left the mini-islands. I did, you guessed it, more ocean travel. Then, I finally made it to a huge island. It might even be the mainland. I was excited. We made it through the forest, where I went through the same annoying low trees as before. That’s one thing I don’t miss from land travel.

The spot where we’re stopping for now.

Then, I came to the Savanna. By then, the sun was setting, and I figured it was a good place to stop anyway. We have to island-hop soon after, so I wonder what lays ahead? I guess we’ll find out eventually.

See you next time for more incredibly weird adventures and incredibly stupid mistakes. That’s the name of the game for my Minecraft Nomad adventure… apparently. Thanks for reading!

See you next time!

This article and more seen on https://violetpages.net/.



Anna Carter

A young adult who runs several blogs on a variety of things. I love to write, read, and occasionally draw. I'm a proud Christian. Give advice if you have any!