The First Pokemon Book I Made: Legends and Murder (Imagine That)

Anna Carter
7 min readMay 23, 2024


Hello everyone, and welcome to Imagine That! Today, we’re going back to one of the first journals I wrote when I was 6!

If you aren’t familiar yet, I wrote a lot of stuff when I was younger, and a Pokemon-themed journal was one of the first ones. This was back when Unova was the newest region on the block, so I did a journal around an unnamed character going around with the Unova starters!… and Pikachu, of course. Go check out Part 1 (Medium link) if you haven’t read it yet, things get really chaotic and weird, but it’s still fun.

In fact, it’s even more chaotic today! We got some new Pokemon encounters and other weird stuff happening this time, so let’s go ahead and dive back in to my poorly written and drawn- I mean- masterpiece of a journal!

Last time, we left just after our unnamed character brought the starters home. So, now we get to see what she does with the full crew!

The chapter we’re starting on is called “The Walk”. Our protagonist asks her Pokemon if they want to go for a walk. Okay, getting straight to the point, then. Everyone decides to get going while the stalker Pidove comes along too for some reason. That black mess beside Pikachau is completely normal though.

So, what’s going to happen, you might ask? That’s an excellent question. Nothing! Yeah, our main character just decides to walk for a while before going back home. This has got to be the most brave and nail-biting plotline I’ve ever seen.

The next chapter is called “The New Pokemon”. This one actually has something happening, believe it or not. Our hero tells Pikachau they need to buy a new Pokemon. Ah, we’re back to Pokemon slavery.

She gets to the Pokemon store along with Pikachau. Oh wait, no, I mean she gets… ot the Pokemon store. I… probably should have known how to spell the word ‘to’ by now. I literally spelled it right many times before- but whatever. Meanwhile, a random Pokemon flies above, saying ‘un’. I think this is Unfezant, and I have no clue how anybody other than me would figure that out.

She also completely ignores a Pidove- Oops, I mean Pidve. Again, I knew how to spell OSHAWOTT by now but not Pikachu or Pidove. Not only that, but I also knew how to spell phoenix back in my Spooky Birds comics. PHOENIX. But not Pidove. I don’t know whether to be impressed or embarrassed by myself. Oh well, let’s go back to the illustrations and- what on earth happened to the store to make me erase that? I have actually no clue what happened there.

Our main character goes inside the store and sees a whole bunch of Pokemon- and I just want you to appreciate those designs. They are something to look at. Pignite is somehow the most accurate looking Pokemon here, but my favorite has gotta be Purrloin. It literally looks like Tepig but with a fatter tail and the weirdest smile I’ve ever seen. I didn’t even know how to draw a cat, apparently.

Oh, and Pidove’s spelled right. Okay…

But that’s nothing compared to the next Pokemon our hero saw…

A Reshiram. A RESHIRAM. Just hanging out in a random cage at the store! Where on Earth did it come from? And how did the guy just put Reshiram in a cage? And why is Reshiram so happy about existing in a random cage? The only thing that makes sense out of any of this is the store owner looking so smug about it. I would be too if I was trying to sell a legendary white fire dragon.

Oh yeah, and I haven’t forgotten about the fact that I can spell Reshiram at this point but not Pikachu or Pidove (until now). This is going to bother me for the rest of my days.

Moving on with the actual storyline, of course our protagonist wants the Reshiram. Who wouldn’t? She knew it would cost a lot though. That is, until the store owner just says our hero can get Reshiram for free. Wow, this guy… has a terrible business model. He wants people to pay money for a Pikachu, but not a Reshiram? Does he even know what kind of Pokemon he caught? Is he just the most considerate person in the entire world? I guess we’ll never know.

So, of course our main character got Reshiram and ran home. We know this because I put little words above her saying ‘ran, ran’. I am so good at illustrating. The chapter ends with a new Pokemon in our hero’s collection.

Wow, I can’t wait for our main character to use Reshiram! It’s going to be so interesting, because surely something interesting will happen with Reshiram, right?… Right?

Yeah… our main character never uses Reshiram again. Hope you enjoyed the potential while it lasted, it’s all gone now. Rest in peace, Reshiram.

The next chapter is called “Battles”. Or, more accurately, “Battes”. Our protagonist realizes her Pokemon aren’t around, and goes looking for them. Apparently, they’re all jumping on her bed again. They really like doing that, huh…

Our hero then suggests that they all battle! Wow, what an unexpected event! So, she decides to be the referee of the matches. She even has those little flags that some referees have in the Pokemon anime. I honestly thought that was kinda cute.

The first match is between Pikachau and Oshawott. Pikachau’s tail spawns out of nowhere to use iron tail while Oshawott just uses water gun. Pikachau wins, and Oshawott is… dead! Oh my goodness, we just witnessed a murder. I gotta love how bluntly I said Oshawott died. Best Pokemon battle I’ve ever seen.

Snivy and Tepig are next, and while Snivy uses an unreasonable amount of vine whips, one ember makes Snivy drop dead. Rest in peace.

The final battle is between Pikachau and Tepig. Only one can survive. Pikachau uses Iron Tail yet again, but Tepig’s ember is stronger. All the while, long-necked abominations exist nearby for no reason whatsoever. I drew in that book, and even I have no idea what’s going on. But it’s too late. Pikachau died.

So that’s why you don’t put your pets in a fight. Huh.

The next chapter is called “The New Beach”. Our main character just decides to head to the new beach with… what I can only assume is the ghost of Pikachau. She decides it’d be good if all of her other dead Pokemon played here too, so she let out all of her Pokemon. Except Reshiram, because I guess it’s not cool enough.

Everybody wants to swim, but Tepig doesn’t, because he’s a fire type or something. So they just left him to do his own thing on the beach while the ghosts of his victims watch. Tepig digs a hole, and then stops digging a hole once they have to go home. The end. I hope your life has been forever changed by this chapter.

Our last chapter we’ll do for today is “Hide and Seek”. I bet you can’t guess what this one is about. Get this… our hero… wants to play hide and seek. Shocker! They all go to the park, and our hero is the one seeking. Tepig is hiding behind one of those diseased potatos with apples growing on them. One hits his head and he discovers the meaning of gravity.

The others are quickly found too. Snivy was hiding behind a flower because she’s a grass type, Oshawott was hiding in the water because he’s a water type, and Pikachau was hiding behind a bench because he’s a bench type. Perfect. I honestly would’ve thought that spirits of dead Pokemon would hide better though.

Wait… You think, maybe… just maybe… I meant that the Pokemon fainted, rather than dying? I just… didn’t think of calling it ‘fainting’? Yeah, that… That makes a lot of sense, actually.

That’s all for now! Come back soon for more weird adventures in the Pokemon journal! A mix of too normal and too chaotic. Perfect balance as everything should be.

Next time, we’ll see our main character get Pokemon you might not expect, anime references, and the return of her rival. See you all next time!

This article and more seen on my blog site, Violet Pages.



Anna Carter

A young adult who runs several blogs on a variety of things. I love to write, read, and occasionally draw. I'm a proud Christian. Give advice if you have any!