Enterprise React in 2018–2019

Viacheslav Luschinskiy
6 min readSep 20, 2018

Note: The updated version of Enterprase React 2020 is now published

“No-one ever got fired for choosing IBM”. This was once a famous phrase back in 80s — 90s when it was hard to choose the best personal computer. Today the new developers entering the frontend world are also intimidated by the number of decisions they have to make to build a simple web app. They would love to have something solid like “IBM” for frontend development.

In this article I introduce the tech stack you definitely will not be fired for. The frontend is a very dynamic area and no two senior frontend developers will come up with exactly the same tech stack, but you will have much quicker and productive start if you start with something solid and then build your own opinion later on.

React and its eco system is the safe bet for building the web apps of any complexity. It may be not the easiest framework to master but no other frameworks can offer that much power to you. As always, power comes with responsibility. React is quite simple when it comes to understanding how it works but when you move to the corporate world you face the responsibility of making many hard choices.

Here I present the React tech stack for building modern corporate apps. It will contain the very minimum libraries which will allow you to build professional apps without…

