iOS Dev Course: Biometrics Auth with LocalAuthentification on SwiftUI + Combine

Maksim Vialykh
2 min readMar 22, 2020


Hello dear reader, so now we’ll create simple app that demonstrates how LocalAuthentification works to auth via Touch/Face ID and detect their changes.

What we need to start?

  • Swift UI simple app project
  • LocalAuthentification framework


Create a new Single View App project.

Hotkey: shift + command + N

Single View App

Setup as SwiftUI project


Create ViewModel class

It is class that conforms to protocol ObservableObject.


  • loggedIn — indicates that LAContext evaluation result
  • hasChanges — indicates changes between current and last LAContext domainStates
  • domainState — saved LAContext evaluatedPolicyDomainState


  • auth — evaluate LAContext to conform biometrics
  • check — retrieve LAContext evaluatedPolicyDomainState and compare it value with saved domainState to detect changes
  • checkDomainState — compare new and current domainState

Connect ViewModel into ContentView

Be sure that you modified ContentView_Previews and add environmentObject usage to that func

Modify SceneDelegate to pass ViewModel into ContentView

Run on simulator.

Yeah! Have tried biometric auth in action!

Biometric Auth in action

You’ve done it! Clap! Clap!

Remember, the receipt to success is continuous learning and communication with colleagues including, self-education.

This was a small guide about LocalAuthentification implemented in SwiftUI project via Combine — a part of iOS SDK that provides biometric authentification. Read more on Apple Developer site. Don’t stop self-education.

GitHub project

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