Carpe Diem

The writer's path
3 min readSep 24, 2023

This morning, I wrote three different drafts. Impossible to finish any of them. Yesterday, I was wobbling as I wrote. Little inspiration. I published my blog post late. I know it has to be done. So I did.

This morning, the same evil is on the prowl. It whispers, “You’re not inspired. You can wait until tomorrow”.
I’ve started writing about social determinism, AI, philosophy of Carpe Diem... The words don’t click. The text doesn’t flow. I can’t do it.

Triumph of resistance: “I told you you couldn’t do it today.”
But the resistance has broken me too many times to let it win again.
The resistance doesn’t understand, I’m tired of waiting for tomorrow.
I know that waiting for tomorrow won’t make today happen.

Over the course of my life, I’ve tried a lot. Different arts, different sports, different adventures. And in all these attempts, two common factors

  • There’s always resistance, motivation fades
  • Success has always been hidden behind repetition

I think the secret to reaching the heights is to do what you have to do, even when you don’t feel like doing it. Every day is a unique opportunity to add a brick to the life you want to build. Some days, we lay the big bricks. Some days, like this one, we…



The writer's path

Sharing my journey as a writer. Sometimes philosophy, self improvement. And occasionally ... my own stories.