From Zero to Hero

The writer's path
4 min readDec 3, 2023
Picture is AI Generated

What is a day in our lives?

For someone who has lived more than 12,000. Everything and nothing. The umpteenth iteration of a loop between two complete rotations of the earth.

On the scale of a lifetime. Forgotten hours. Or an eternity. Because yes, there are days we’ll never remember. There are days we’ll remember forever.

What’s a month in a lifetime? 30 iterations of this loop. In the grand scheme of things… not much. So why not try to make the forgettable unforgettable?

For the past few weeks, the tone of my letters has sometimes been pessimistic. While I try to fill these Sunday letters with positive energy, I find myself lacking in it. Maybe I’ve sent too much energy out into the world. Maybe, it’s time to pay the bill.

I wish I’d been one of those newsletters that manage to impress week after week. Indestructible, always visiting new heights. Content worthy of mythological adventures. Always positive. But recently, it’s only my mortal side that I have to show.

I find myself struck by internet conflicts. Desire to write beautiful words. But caught up in my mood and the negative emotions that run through me. I sometimes start long, optimistic verses. Then I ask myself: “What’s the point of disguising reality? Is a good lie worth an ugly truth?” I don’t know.



The writer's path

Sharing my journey as a writer. Sometimes philosophy, self improvement. And occasionally ... my own stories.