The Strangest Writing Advice I’ve Ever Received

The writer's path
3 min readApr 23, 2024
Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

I’m lucky enough to work with many artists and writers. And it’s not unusual for me to receive advice or for writers to discuss their favorite habits with me.

It’s always a great time to learn a lot. But over the years, some of these discussions have turned out to be unique. Animated by writing tips as strange as they were surprising.

The most recent:

“You should buy a cat! In your quest to finish this new novel, a cat could be a great help in bringing you calm and tranquillity. He could rest next to you during your sessions. You could feed off his energy.”

The truth is, I’ve thought long and hard about this advice. I’ve had cats in another life and have nothing but good memories with them. They’re certainly invaluable allies in inspiring serenity and tranquility.

Another piece of advice I received.
“Write with your non-dominant hand.”
The reasons for this seemed so obscure that I never really tried. I already write badly with my right hand. For the love of my notebooks, I won’t try.

I’ll never forget the time I was told I had to wear my characters’ clothes or own one of their accessories while I was writing, in order to better “embody” them.



The writer's path

Sharing my journey as a writer. Sometimes philosophy, self improvement. And occasionally ... my own stories.