Booming Medical Facilities In India

Zoya Rabbani
2 min readMar 1, 2017


In the past years, India has grown to become a top-notch destination for medical value travel. It notches high over a range of factors that governs the overall quality of care. In case there is a complex surgical procedure being done in a world class global hospital by hailed medical specialists at a fifth to tenth of what it normally takes. It requires quality therapy, range of procedural and treatment options, infrastructure and skilled manpower to perform any medical procedure. The list of benefits of travelling for medical treatment in India is numerous.

The good thing is that high-end healthcare system in India is as good as the best in the world. India maintains not only a healthy authorization system but also a large number of credited facilities. India has a good number of Joint Commission International accredited hospitals that associates well with other countries in Asia. These set of approved hospitals are the best hospitals in India and can deliver care at par or above global standards.

India has not only hospitals with world-class facilities but skilled world-class doctors and medical personnel too, thanks to the emergence and growth of medical tourism. The country has a major pool of doctors and paramedics in South Asia, many of them have recognized their credentials as leaders around the world. In fact, India’s medical history spans thousands of years through Ayurvedic and alternate medicine forms. There are about 0.8 million formally trained Ayurvedic doctors as well. With a large number of doctors, there is a high level of competency and capability in acceptance of fresher technologies and new treatment methods. It is a wonderful example of higher quantity leading to higher quality and vice versa. You can easily communicate and talk to the doctors prior to your visit and they will study your needs and customize the treatment for you!

In case you have issues in contacting a doctor, utilize the facilities provided by Vibcure. It’s a gateway to quality healthcare for people from around the world. The patients can simply use this platform to explore qualified hospitals, book appointments, schedule video consultations and more. With network hospitals in more than 8 cities of India and a professional team, Vibcure is perfect to fulfil all your healthcare needs. It aims to inspire confidence in users by eliminating informational barriers through a web supported platform. This makes healthcare very easily accessible to everyone in every budget. Vibcure is based on three cornerstones- transparency, accessibility and trust. Embarking a journey from India, Vibcure’s envision is to create an eco-system where a patient choses his treatments without any geographical boundaries.

