Period: My Frenemy

4 min readAug 18, 2019


Read below to know why periods are just like your annoying friends.

Tom and jerry GIF, frenemy

Damn, I look great, my date’s going to take one look at me and go crazy, I thought while I was sitting on my bed applying my makeup and then the bell rang. I heard her voice. OMG! What is she doing here? I thought she was coming in the next week. Oh no no no.

Sex sign by hand, in and out gif

What about my date, ugh!

Let me just quickly hide so she’ll go away. “HI!” Okay, abort plan, she saw me and then jumped on my bed and ruined my clean bed sheets, awesome. I changed into my white dress that I had planned to wear on the date. She told me I look great but it’s a bad idea to wear white, since WE’RE going out. I told her I’m going on a date and she said yay, the three of us will have a great time.

Mean girls gif, frenemy

Hmm, I guess she’s tagging along, like always.

Periods are a lot like those annoying friends of yours and you hang out with them from time to time because you can’t get out of it, right?

Mean girls gif, frenemy

Showing up unannounced at dinner parties, dates, in the middle of your class or at 4 bloody am, spilling stuff on your bed, car, seats, and ruining your clothes and clean sheets.

But let’s be honest, you’re glad to see them from time to time, to see if they’re okay and doing well. Although you’d very much prefer them to show up when you’re ready and according to your plans and then just leave in an hour or so.

Unfortunately life isn’t that giving, is it?

When they come, they come for good. Ensuring that they tag along every-bloody-where, ruining special moments and trips that you’ve been dreaming of for a couple months.

Mean girls gif, frenemy

And the worst part is that you end up worrying about what if they misbehave or embarass you?

You have to keep checking up on them or ask your friends to do so, again and again.

Then some days they just are in the worst mood and then make sure they bring you down with them.

Mean girls gif, frenemy

Or they call you fatter than you were the last time they saw you.

So you both end up being so annoyed at everyone. Or crying your eyes out for no apparent reason.

PMS gif, mood swings gif

And they are such a bad influence, because everytime they come you both end up binge eating way too much and feeling so bloated. They also have this weird obsession with your abdomen and keep poking you there whenever you’re both starting to get along.

PMS gif, period gif

But then there are some months when they don’t show up around the time they said they would the month before, leaving you nervous and anxious for days and days, hoping that everything is okay with them.

tom and jerry gif, friends gif

Days like those make me think that girl, it’s time you just make amends and try to understand each other. Maybe prepare a few days in advance, planning things accordingly, eating healthier to balance out those binge eating day- and maybe controlling yourself around some of the unhealthy food instead of blaming them for it, go exercise with them so you both don’t end up staying in bed and then feeling annoyed.

ready for anything gif, period ready gif, periods gif

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