The Beauty of silent PRAYER

Doormat 1.0
3 min readMay 28, 2024


The enigma of life is an inevitable substance in everyone’s life.

Image Credit : SHVETS production

Situations and circumstances are always a part and parcel of our life. Many of which we will never be able to understand as to why it should ever come to pass. And so, we try look for answers or at the very least expect some form of an explanation to gratify the questions regarding our situation.

Yet in spite of this uncertainty, we hope for the better outcome of things. To be able to find peace or maybe a thought of acceptance.

Often times we are pushed to situation by circumstance from the many things that are out of our control. Also, from the ones that are our own doing. But, when faced with the undesirable outcome of such things, we are perplexed to the point of conceding defeat and tend to turn away from trying to understand or know the answers that we have longed for.

In all these, we are certain that we want our circumstances to change outright because of the unfavorability of the current. We elevate the need and the desire for it to be resolve to a certain imperative level.

Human as we are, we strive to carry it ourselves. Though it is understandable for us to act in such a way, we are resentfully met with the final outcome, that is ‘unresolved’ which can be related in many ways like delays, unwanted outcome, unsure decisions etc. Yes, we say we believe in the timing God has set for things in its own way and course, yet it is undeniable that we are often times encumbered by the ‘unresolved’.

Maybe not for everyone but for the many who are going through factual tough times, this road seems to be a perpetual routine until we come to a point where we have crossed it significantly. Why significantly and not wholly? Because nothing is out of existence after its occurrence.

But how wonderful a thing it is that God has given us the ability to overcome each phase of our lives and make it to something pleasant in the long course of time.

From all the years or seasons we have toiled bearing the ‘unresolved’ of our lives and the circumstances we have faced and the outcome we have wished for … what does ‘a Silent Prayer’ have to do with it?

Hannah prayed a ‘silent prayer’ in her heart casting all her burden to God

The Spirit helps us in putting forth our prayers and petitions through wordless groans.

So, for those who have gone through or are going through such phase of life that are unfavourable, this may resonate with them as to how a ‘silent prayer’ have accompanied each one during such seasons. The prayer that was offered without words but instead the pouring out of all in HIS divine presence.

Everyone knows the leverage of their circumstances and its need to be resolved. In these, the mass of their prayers always equal to that of their need. But time and again we ourselves do not know the answer that we want, nor are we certain about the end result of things or even the timing for it to come to pass.

Still, we just believe and put our hope on the one who is able to do things more than we can ever imagine or even understand. And though the agony or the burden of our heart is so real, we offer up our ‘silent prayers’, where we are left wordless yet still, finding our peace. It is in these that we offer ourselves totally in surrender to the one who is able and faithful.

From the few or many occasions, we have had our ‘silent prayers’, let us draw a slight inference to it…

A silent prayer is something that everyone may have done but it does not simply come across anytime. It only comes and come especially during a specific season of our lives and the beauty of it is that it leaves us after a season, and we may never know when will it ‘reiterate’. So, let us cherish the few or the many silent prayers that we have prayed for we know that….

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven — Ecclesiastes 3:1



Doormat 1.0

A heartfelt and a quirky lady going through the rough patches of life by faith alone. To get in touch, mail :