Adulting is Hard, But There is Hope

Let me know if you disagree.

I read this in an article recently: “I think the greatest shock of my adult life is that I’m now fully and solely responsible for my actions.” The article was written by a fellow medium writer —
@Nosakhare. (Thank you, btw.)

My 19-year-old daughter said something very similar to me the other day. She indicated that she wanted to go back in time to be a young girl again because of the numerous decisions she was having to make! I remember feeling this same way, in my early twenties, shortly after I got married. I would be in bed, waiting to fall asleep, and feeling such fear and dread! Looking back, I am very thankful that this feeling mostly went away as the years went by. One day at a time. One decision at a time.

I clearly remember being so concerned about the decisions I had to make. You know, the ones that we always relied on our parents to make? What if I made the wrong choices? Would I ruin my whole life or just a few years of it? Would I make my parents ashamed of me? How would I recover if I lost my job or my home?

During this time of my life, insomnia gripped me. I had never experienced the inability to sleep like this before. Have you felt this way? What did you do to get past it? I didn’t know what to do, so years of anxiety and panic attacks…



Vickie VanCamp, MSW, Peer Advocate

Endeavoring to share my thoughts & knowledge on: Parenting, Self-Help, Mental Health, Living Better, Learning, & Life Experiences. I’ll toss in some humor too.