Is Your Work Meaningful?


Do you get satisfaction from your job?

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Do you have an authentic connection with your work?

Does your employment align with your core values? Do you feel that you are doing something worthwhile when you do your job? Do you leave work feeling proud, pleased or content?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, it is possible that your job is hurting your mental and physical wellness.

According to a webinar I participated in from, work that is meaningful to you is part of supporting your wellbeing.

If you don’t have a job that is satisfying or fulfilling, you might very well be working in a stressful or disheartening place. Or at the very least, in a job that is uninteresting and has a demotivating atmosphere.

Consider these questions:
Are you working in a place that answers a calling for your life?
Do you have a passion for the work you are doing or at least the employer you are working for?
Is what you are doing at your job important to you?

If you are finding yourself answering ‘no’, or if you are unsure that you can honestly answer ‘yes’, then you might need to consider a new line of work.

My next article will be about finding meaningful work. Please stay tuned!

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Vickie VanCamp, MSW, Peer Advocate

Endeavoring to share my thoughts & knowledge on: Parenting, Self-Help, Mental Health, Living Better, Learning, & Life Experiences. I’ll toss in some humor too.