“Vote like you Freedom depends on it”

Vicki James
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


“Vote like your Freedom depends on it” flag banner

Democracy is at risk! The United States of America slips closer to an Authoritarian government each day. The GOP Senate acquittal of Trump’s impeachment gave our corrupt leader free rein for ever-growing corruption. Reality is that our president makes heroes out of felons while he disgraces, belittles, bullies, and demotes national heroes. Now the US Attorney General is setting up an “intake process” to allow the president’s personal lawyer to pass on opposition research on Trump’s political rival at the same time the DOJ is backtracking on a sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone after the president cries “unfair!” We truly are in “the Upside-Down.”

Trying to get a handle on all aspects of danger that our democracy faces is too much for any one person. We have subject matter experts throughout our political ecosystem keeping tabs on those areas in which they are most familiar. When I ask myself, “what can I do”, I recognize that I need a fairly narrow focus or I will drive myself nuts. I also have next to zero influence over politicians but maybe, just maybe, I could have some marginal influence in helping the average lay-person take action in the name of democracy. Each of us has a crucial role to play in our democracy, to vote! I will spend the next 266 days understanding and sharing what I learn about the following factors potentially impacting our United States General Election —

  1. Election Security (#ElectionSecurity)
  2. Voter Suppression (#VoterSuppression)
  3. Disinformation Campaigns (#Disinformation)
  4. Voter Apathy — Failure to vote (#GetOutTheVote)

I don’t know what impact any efforts I make in this area will have on the General Election. But if just one person gets a vote accurately counted that may not have been otherwise, it will be worth the effort. The education I am bound to get will be worth the effort either way. Please follow me on Twitter or here on Medium to join me in this journey and help save democracy through actions in support of fair, free, and healthy elections.



Vicki James

Transplant from Seattle loving New York City and excited to share what I've learned about this crazy but great place.