What is a Live Streaming Community?

Vicki Jeavons
2 min readOct 4, 2015


Being my first medium post I wanted to talk about something close to my heart. Since February of this year I started live streaming firstly myself, then my company and that grew to the whole side of the business and our family life. This was not an easy thing to suddenly embrace.

We suddenly found that what we expected which was a general interest maybe in what we did, grew to a community of people who visited us daily, purchased things from us and also followed us across everyone platform from Instagram to Snapchat etc.

The community then went further to friendship and in some cases I have even met some of the US live streamers in New York.

It is not all positive as with some channels there have been a few dramas, sometimes daily with individuals or groups but with time it dissipates or people move on.

What I am started to see now is quite sad, the excitement of the App has gone it is no longer new and shiny and whilst there are other apps doing a similar job it is interesting to note that the team that run the app seem to have little interest in their community anymore. They obviously would like to see celebrities and music entities promoting their App which is understandable to make the App more widely know across the World but I guess when the everyday users feel that they are not wanted they too have now moved on.

So if you are building an app that is based around people using it you need to understand what makes it great, herein lies the lesson — the people make it great — the users, the techies, the founders, and if you are not prepared to share and contribute it will fail. More money invested is not always the answer.

So this is an open first medium post feel free to discuss/comment on your view on live streaming after all sharing and laughing make the world just a little bit brighter don’t you think?



Vicki Jeavons

CEO The Funky Fairy UK turned US based ice cream maker living the dream in Florida