7 Day Healthy Cleanse: You Really Can Get Benefits

Vicki Z @ AntiAgingByDesign
3 min readJan 11, 2019


Are You Ready for a HEALTHY CLEANSE?

7 day healthy cleanse

If you would like to learn about Shaklee’s new Healthy 7 Day Cleanse, that can really help get your gut get to a healthier place quickly — and experience all kinds of ‘measurable’ benefits, visit here: Shaklee Cleanse. (Feel better in 7 days — it’s 100% guaranteed.)

We did our Shaklee cleanse two weeks before Christmas. You might think that’s crazy, but we got to experience the very measurable benefits of eating only vegetables and fruit for 7 days:

  • feel lighter all over your body
  • more energy through the day and not as tired in the evening
  • more focus and clarity
  • less aches and pains
  • lost some pounds

…and it helped us be more mindful eating through the holidays — although we did manage to have our share of treats.

Going forward we now FEEL the benefits of what a healthier diet can be for us and we can make better, healthier food choices.

Shaklee 7 Day Cleanse

Overall, while eating only raw vegetables and fruit all day, with a warm meal at dinner, for 7 DAYS, seemed a bit long to us — we survived it and we’re sure that we are healthier for it.

We never felt hungry throughout the 7 days. We did miss eating other foods for sure!

We also were not hungry every 2 hours although we did try to eat that way since it was suggested not to consider yourself eating ‘meals’ — like 3 meals per day. The cleanse is set up to be a ‘grazer’ — eating some kind of raw vegetables or fruit every 2 hours, and then what you would consider one meal per day that is made of warm vegetables. This wouldn’t be a large meal because seriously you are not hungry if you’ve been grazing all day.

There are all kinds of recipes shared on Shaklee’s Naturally blog and in the Facebook Group for the 7 Day Challenge.

You can view the blog here: Naturally (can use the dropdown arrow in the center of the page to search ‘Cleanse’ for other articles about the Cleanse and also about lots of topics.

And join the Facebook group, once you purchase the 7 Day Healthy Cleanse, here: Facebook Cleanse Group.

No Join Fee January

In January, 2019, you can get 15% off of the 7 Day Healthy Cleanse + a free membership (no obligation to buy ever) that saves you 15%off all Shaklee products forever!


No Join Fee Shaklee



Vicki Z @ AntiAgingByDesign

Do you struggle with feeling strong and healthy and full of energy? I help you get on, and stay on a path to Live Younger Longer! https://AntiAgingByDesign.com