Prevention Is More Than Tests and Scans

Vicki Z @ AntiAgingByDesign
5 min readJun 23, 2020

Health prevention is generally described as the combination of good health promotion and the prevention of illness and disease.

It seems that more focus for health prevention is put toward annual check-ups, vaccines, flu shots, tests and screenings. While they are targeted at prevention, there is so much more to the prevention story.

Annual check-ups, tests and screenings are part of your health routine care, and they also fall into the diagnostic health care space.

There is so much more to routine care, above and beyond doctor visits and screenings.

Your daily health — the way you eat and they way you live — is what truly drives your health results.

This article will focus on the way you eat and a followup article on the way you live because lifestyle habits can really impact your best health.


Nutrition is a huge part of health prevention.

What you eat is what fuels your health.

If your body is not getting the nutrition it needs, how will it stay healthy?

Nutrition influences healthy weight and directly contributes to overweight and obesity.



Vicki Z @ AntiAgingByDesign

Do you struggle with feeling strong and healthy and full of energy? I help you get on, and stay on a path to Live Younger Longer!