A Temple for Women

2 min readSep 30, 2023


Haji Ali Dargah Entrance — photo by Vicky Almonds

đź“Ť Haji Ali Dargah, Mumbai.

Haji Ali Dargah is one of the most known religious monuments in Mumbai dating back to 1431. It’s located in the middle of the ocean about half a kilometer away from the shore. Therefore it can be reached only during low tides which adds to the air of mystery and time travel that surrounds it.

An interesting fact is that according to an entry ban that was placed during 2011–12, women were not allowed to enter the inner sanctum of the temple. They were restricted to the big open area. The rest of the shrine was for men alone. This was up until 2016 when an appeal was filed before the Supreme Court after which the ban was lifted. The reason I find this fact noticeable is because I come from a very different religious background which, however, holds the same limitation. I grew up as an orthodox Christian and one of the first things I was taught was that I was never allowed in the most inner part of the church. In fact, I wasn’t allowed in the middle part of the church either during my period days. That applied to all women. Today I am an atheist who cares deeply about women’s rights. I find it shocking but not surprising that such rules against women still exist and transcend throughout all corners of this world. At the same time, I feel elated to see them being broken down one by one.

