Tips For Surviving The Apocalypse From The Author Who Predicted This Exact Scenario

Vicky Kuperman
5 min readMar 29, 2020

When my co-author, Isabella Patrick, and I set out to write our political satire How to Spy on Your Neighbor: Your Survival Guide for the United States of Russia shortly after the 2016 Presidential election of Donald Trump, we knew we were onto something. What we didn’t know was that we were full-on oracles!

Both Soviet-Jewish refugees, we grew up between two worlds: physical and mental. Physically, we lived and thrived within our privileged freedoms of the United States. Mentally, we were reminded daily throughout our childhoods by our families of the hard, cold truths of living under totalitarian rule. These memories and traumas stay with immigrants and refugees from Communist countries long after they settle here. Did I say daily? Yeah, daily. We were reminded daily. Which made us the perfect experts to let Americans know what they were in for now that Russia had interfered in our election and democratic process and the complacency that followed.

In early 2017, we scrambled to write the book at lightning speed, covering what every aspect of life would look like now that we were headed towards autocracy. And I would be remiss to not point out the eeriness of the first chapter’s title: “Surviving the Apocalypse in Four-Inch Heels.” Which brings us to today. Oh boy, does it…

