3 things I learnt by giving feedback to colleagues

Vignesh Rajendran
2 min readFeb 8, 2017


At my work place, we had a concept of work review to help yourself analyze where we excel and lack. This happens in 3/6 months gap based on people. This is the document of my learning while giving feedback to the people.

1. No +ve/-ve feedback

There is no such thing called positive or negative feedback, it is all feedback about people’s work. When you are giving feedback to people don’t classify it as positive or negative feedback. You are conveying what you have observed.

2. Understand people’s work

If you doesn’t know what those people are working on or you never worked with them, it is better to stay away from giving feedback rather than providing half baked, unproductive feedback.

3. You will learn to evaluate yourself

When you evaluate others, you would also tend to develop an habit of evaluating yourself in your work. This would make you stay in your trajectory.

If you are the person who is receiving feedback, it is not mandatory that you should take all the feedback given and work on it. You can talk to the person and understand what they are trying to say.

If you still think that it is not something that you should care about, it is ok to leave that feedback and work on things which you care about. After all we are humans and we tend to mistakes!

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